Endnotes ENDNOTES 1 Adjusted diluted EPS is a non-GAAP financial measure calcula ted by excluding from operating revenues, operating expenses and income tax expense certain significant items that are non-operational or non-recurring in nature, including dispositions and merger integration and transaction costs, actuarial gains and losses, significant abandonments and impairments, severance and other material gains and losses. 2021 reported earnings per diluted share was $2.76; adjusted earnings per diluted share was $3.40. Further information is included in our Form 8-K dated January 26, 2022. This compares to 2020 reported earnings per diluted share of ($0.75) and adjusted earnings per diluted share of $3.18. Further information is included in our Form 8-K dated January 26, 2022. 2 Inclusive of AT&T Corporate and AT&T Communications. 3 Supplier di versity spend excludes content and programming spend, and reflects the activities of the AT&T Global Connections and Supply Chain organization within AT&T Communications. 4 Scope 1 e missions include direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company (such as the fleet). Scope 2 emissions include indirect emissions that result from the generation of purchased energy. 5 Reflects th e activities of the AT&T Global Connections and Supply Chain organization within AT&T Communications. 6 For full- year 2021, revenues, excluding impacts of the U.S. Video business and Vrio, of $153.2 billion are calculated as operating revenues of $168.9 billion minus Video operating revenues of $15.5 billion, minus Vrio operating revenues of $2.6 billion, plus WarnerMedia sales for content and advertising of $2.5 billion that are external after close of the transactions. Note: In July 2021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. In November 2021, we completed the sale of our Latin America video operations, Vrio, to Grupo Werthein. Further information is included in our Form 8-K dated January 26, 2022. 7 Free cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure that is frequently used by investors and credit rating agencies to provide relevant and useful information. In 2021, free cash flow is cash from operating activities of $42.0 billion, plus cash distributions from DIRECTV classified as investing activities of $1.3 billion, minus capital expenditures of $16.5 billion. Free cash flow total dividend payout ratio is total dividends paid divided by free cash flow. For full-year 2021, dividends paid totaled $15.1 billion. Note: In July 2021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. 8 9 In April 2022, we completed a transa ction to combine our WarnerMedia segment, subject to certain e xceptions, with a subsidiary of Discovery Inc. 10 Not inclusive of WarnerMedia, AT&T Mexico or AT&T International. 11 BroadbandNow Research: https://broadbandnow.com/ research/fcc-underestimates-unserved-by-50-percent 12 Excludes employees whose race is unknown or undeclared. 13 As self-identified via AT&T iCount. AT&T Inc and AT&T Communications only. 14 Not inclusive of WarnerMedia. The 2021 value of volunteer time was calculated using the Independent Sector value of a volunteer hour for 2021 ($28.54). 15 $ 18 2 . 47 million of 202 1 philanthropic giving was provided by AT&T and $1 9.5 8 million was provided through the AT&T Foundation. 16 Not inclusive of WarnerMedia. 17 2017 data does not include AT&T operations in Latin America or WarnerMedia. 2018–2021 data does not include WarnerMedia. DIRECTV and Vrio are represented through December 31, 2021. Note: In July 2021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. In November 2021, we completed the sale of our Latin America video operations, Vrio, to Grupo Werthein. 18 Excludes content and programming spend, and reflects the activities of the AT&T Global Connections and Supply Chain organization within AT&T Communications. 19 The supplier sustainability management approach reflects the activities of the AT&T Global Connections and Supply Chain organization within AT&T Communications. 20 Target refers to 50% of our suppliers covering purchased goods and services, capital goods and downstream leased assets as a portion of spend. 21 Environmental Protection Agency https://www.epa.gov/ ghgemissions/inventory-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-and- sinks ; UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS): https://www.iea.org/articles/global- energy-review-co2-emissions-in-2020 2 2 Data does not include DIRECTV or Vrio. 23 All 2021 d ata is estimated and inclusive of DIRECTV and Vrio; Final values will be available in Q2 2022. Note: In July 2021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. In November 2021, we completed the sale of our Latin America video operations, Vrio, to Grupo Werthein. 24 2021 Ener gy Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions data is estimated and inclusive of DIRECTV and Vrio. Final values will be available in Q2 2022. 25 All 2021 data is estimated. Final values will be available in Q2 2022 . 2017–201 8 dat a inclusiv e of AT& T Communications , U.S. operations. 2019–2021 data inclusive of AT&T Communications an d WarnerMedia’ s U.S . operations . DIRECT V an d Vri o data ar e no t included . 2017–202 1 dat a doe s no t includ e water consumptio n fro m AT& T site s tha t us e wel l water , a s wel l water consumption metrics are not tracked. Fewer than 0.03% of AT&T’s sites use well water. Note: In April 2022, we completed a transaction to combine our WarnerMedia segment, subject to certain exceptions, with a subsidiary of Discovery Inc. 26 In connection with capital improvements, we negotiate with some of our vendors to obtain favorable payment terms of 120 days or more, referred to as vendor financing, which are excluded from capital expenditures and reported in accordance with GAAP as financing activities. We present cash paid for gross capital investment to provide investors with a comprehensive view of cash used to invest in our networks, product developments and support systems. In 2021, gross capital investment of $21.6 billion is calculated as capital expenditures of $16.5 billion, plus cash paid for vendor financing of $4.6 billion and FirstNet reimbursements of $0.5 billion. 27 All 2021 data is estimated. Final values will be available in Q2 2022 . 2017–201 8 dat a inclusiv e of AT& T Communications , U.S. operations. 2019–2021 data inclusive of AT&T Communications an d WarnerMedia’ s U.S . operations . DIRECT V an d Vri o data ar e no t included . 2017–202 1 dat a doe s no t includ e water consumptio n fro m AT& T site s tha t us e wel l water , a s wel l water consumptio n metric s ar e no t tracked . Fewe r tha n 0.03 % of AT&T’ s site s us e wel l water . Intensit y i s relativ e t o th e number of our subscribers (North America wireless, wireline voice and domestic broadband), as identified in our 2021 4th Quarter Earnings Statement. Note: In July 2 021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. In November 2021, we completed the sale of our Latin America v ideo operations, Vrio, to Grupo We rthein. In April 2022, we comp leted a transaction to combine our WarnerMedia segment, subject to ce rtain exceptions, with a s ubsidiary of Discovery Inc. 28 Device recycling and reuse data cover AT&T Inc. U.S. operations only. 29 Data cove rs the central offices of AT&T’s wireline, longlines & DIRECTV business, as well as outside plant and some mobility locations in the contiguous U.S. Note: In August 2021, we contributed our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company with TPG Capital. 30 2019–202 1 data for waste generation and management represent all waste accounted for through AT&T Inc.’s domestic U.S. general solid waste, investment recovery, e-waste, furniture recycling, paper shredding, pallet recycling and regulated (hazardous and nonhazardous) waste programs, unless otherwise noted. 31 US Teleco m: https://ustelecom.org/2020-broadband-providers- pump-another-79-4-billion-into-americas-connectivity- infrastructure/ 32 2019–202 1 dat a inclusiv e of AT& T Communication s and WarnerMedia’s U.S. operations. DIRECTV and Vrio data are not included. Note: I n April 2022, we completed a transact ion to combine our WarnerMedia segment, subjec t to certain exceptions, with a subsidiary of Disc overy Inc. 33 2017–2018 data includes AT&T Communications and Xandr. 2019–2021 data is representative of AT&T Corporate, including WarnerMedia, as well as Vrio and DIRECTV through the divestiture of those units in July 2021 and November 2021, respectively. Note: In July 2021, we completed a transaction with TPG Capital involving our North America video business – including DIRECTV, AT&T TV and U-verse – to form a new company called DIRECTV. In November 2021, we completed the sale of our Latin America video operations, Vrio, to Grupo Werthein. In April 2022, we completed a transaction to combine our WarnerMedia segment, subject to certain exceptions, with a subsidiary of Discovery Inc. 34 2017 total does not include WarnerMedia. 35 Inclusive of AT&T Communications. 36 These incidents are employee injuries and illnesses that are required to be documented on the OSHA 300 log. 37 2017–2020 data inclusive of AT&T Communications. 2021 data inclusive of AT&T Corporate and AT&T Communications. AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 50 51 Inc luding capital investmen ts and acquisition of wirele ss spe ctrum and operations.
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