BOARD DIRECTORS WHO IDENTIFY AS PEOPLE OF COLOR (2022) 30% INDEPENDENT BOARD CHAIR SINCE 2021 BOARD DIRECTORS WHO IDENTIFY AS FEMALE (2022) 23% Governance GOVERNANCE ESG INTEGRATION ACROSS AT&T OPERATIONS Political engagement transparency page 41 ESG integration across AT&T operations page 39 ESG material topics and reporting page 42 SENIOR LEADERS WHO IDENTIFY AS PEOPLE OF COLOR (2020) 24.6% SENIOR LEADERS WHO IDENTIFY AS FEMALE (2020) 39.3% OVERVIEW AT&T AND SHAREHOLDERS CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES EMPLOYEES SUPPLIERS ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE GOALS SUMMARY ESG issues represent risks, opportunities and important external impacts we consider in our strategy and operations. Our approach to ESG is integrated into our business through Board of Directors oversight, officer-level leadership of ESG initiatives across relevant departments and collaboration among dedicated teams of corporate responsibility professionals and subject-matter experts throughout the company. Board oversight O ur commitment to ESG requires strong Board engagement. The Governance and Policy Committee ( G PC) assists the Board in oversight of AT&T’s ESG strategy, including related policies, programs and ESG reporting. In addition to discussions with individual GPC members throughout the year, our Senior Vice President (SVP) – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ESG, who also is our Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), presents on relevant topics and is present at all G PC meetings for ESG dialog. In 2021, the predecessor to the G PC (the Public Policy and Corporate Reputation Committee) h eld 3 regularly scheduled meetings d iscussing topics such as: D E&I, privacy, digital divide, social innovation, supply chain responsibility, climate transition, ESG reporting, political contributions and c haritable contributions. The Audit Committee oversees compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as internal enterprise risk assessment and audit functions which incorporate ESG risks and disclosures. Our Chief Compliance Officer and SVP – Audit Services each meet with the Audit Committee 4 times per year. ESG integration across AT&T operations Read more: 2022 Proxy Statement • Our Corporate Governance Issue Brief Governance and Policy Committee GLENN H. HUTCHINS (CHAIR) Chairman, North Island and Co-Founder, Silver Lake WILLIAM E. KENNARD Independent Chairman of the Bo ard, Former U.S. Ambassador to the European U nion a nd former Chairman, U.S. Fede ral Communications Commission BETH E. MOONEY Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ke yCorp LUIS A. UBIÑAS Former President, Ford Foundation Audit Committee CYNT HIA B. TAYLOR (CHAIR) President and Chief Executive Officer, Oil States International, Inc. STEPHEN J. LUCZO Managing Partner, Crosspoint Capital Partners, L.P. MICHAEL B. MCCALLISTER Retired Chairman of the B oard and Chief Executive Officer, Humana Inc. LUIS A. UBIÑAS Former President, Ford Foundation KPI s AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 38 39 We thank Samuel A. DiPiazza , Jr. ( Audit Committee; Public Policy and Corporate Reputation Committee) a nd Debra L. Lee (Public Policy and Corporate Reputation Committee) for their service, as they leave the AT&T Board to serve on the Warner Bros. Discovery Board of Directors. Updated April 2022
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