FOUNDER’S GUIDE TO B2B SALES TRAIN YOURSELF TO ASK OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 THE GIVE-TO-GET SALES PROCESS Manage the sales process as a quid pro quo At the end of the sales process, the prospect may or may not buy your software. Either way, your company’s investment of time and resources is both real and material. • A sales opportunity typically costs $2K to $4K in enterprise • A typical custom demo can run $5K to $10K of solution consultant (SC) time; a highly customised demo is closer to $20K to $40K As a result, you need to maintain a balance of power in the relationship. Yes, the customer is considering buying your software but you are investing real time and money to support their process. Get in the habit of asking for give-to-gets - i.e. “if I give you x, can I get y?” • If we build the customised demo, will you ensure that the CFO attends? • If we run a two-hour Q&A, will you set up a meeting with the CDO afterwards? • If we get you the draft contract by Tuesday, can you commit to getting it reviewed by Friday? At the right time, this also includes asking for the order: • So, if we do this final step, will we get the order? • Why or why not? SPRING 2023 .09

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