FOUNDER’S GUIDE TO B2B SALES Managing a sales organisation is about cadence, process, and discipline. CADENCE You are your timing. Cadence is an important topic on which you should make deliberate choices. Forecast frequency Forecast period Contract value How often do you Do you forecast months Do you talk about MRR ask sellers and/or or quarters? or ARR? Does that unit managers to forecast? match the reality of your contracts? Quota period Compensation period Review period Is the quota annual Are compensation plans Do you have monthly or quarterly? annual or quarterly? or quarterly business Do accelerators kick-in reviews? during quarters or only on the year? Celebration period Do you celebrate months, years, or quarters? For the rest of this guide, we will, by default, assume a quarterly cadence, larger deals, with 2-3 quarter sales cycles. Please map to your situation accordingly. SPRING 2023 .20

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