FOUNDER’S GUIDE TO B2B SALES EXAMPLE SALES BOOKING CAPACITY MODEL MICROSOFT EXCEL Above is an example of a simple sales bookings capacity model. A few things to note: • If you have different types of sellers (e.g. inside, enterprise), you’ll need one block like this per type of seller • This model lets you see the bookings impact of varying drivers like productivity, attrition, ramping, and hiring • Sometimes companies end up with model wars, where the director of sales ops has one model and the head of finance has another. Compel them to compromise on a single model to end these wars • The art of building these models is identifying which drivers to use and where and how to approximate - e.g. expansion ARR could be a single top-down number (e.g. % of new ARR from expansion) or it could be an attach-rate to a new product offering EXAMPLE SALES-LINKED MARKETING INVERTED FUNNEL MODEL MICROSOFT EXCEL SPRING 2023 .54

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