USING YOUR LEGAL PLAN WHY SHOULD YOU GET LEGAL INSURANCE? IS EASY Work with a network attorney and attorney fees are When you have a legal 100% paid in full for most covered matters. 1 need, you can go online, use the ARAG Legal app or call Customer Care. Save thousands of dollars on average, for legal matters by avoiding costly legal fees. 2 Answer a few questions to con昀椀rm your coverage and receive information on local We help you easily 昀椀nd local attorneys in ARAG’s network attorneys who can network – many who average 20+ years of experience. help with your legal matter. 3 Then, meet with a network Address your covered legal situations with a network attorney virtually, over attorney for legal help and representation. the phone or in person. ARAG Members rated network attorneys 9.4 out of 10 for accessibility, 2 HOW LEGAL SHOWS responsiveness and professionalism. UP IN YOUR LIFE Most consumers believe legal Use DIY Docs® to create a variety of legally valid events are rare, once-in-a-lifetime events. But they’re far more documents, including state-speci昀椀c templates. common than you think. 85% See What a Network Attorney Can Do for You of individuals experienced Whenever you face legal needs throughout life, your ARAG legal a legal event in the past coverage is there for you. Network attorneys are available to answer 1 your legal questions in person, virtually or over the phone for your three years. immediate needs. These events o昀琀en cause a Connect with a network attorney who will: considerable impact on ones 昀椀nances or family. • Review or prepare documents. • Make follow-up calls or write letters on your behalf. • Advise you on legal issues. • Represent you – including if you go to court. 1 ARAG Stress Research Study, October 2022. 2 2022 ARAG Customer Satisfaction Survey. Limitations and exclusions apply. Depending upon a state’s regulations, ARAG’s legal insurance plan may be considered an insurance product or a service product. Insurance products are underwritten by ARAG Insurance Company of Des Moines, Iowa. Service products are provided by ARAG Services, LLC. This material is for illustrative purposes only and is not a contract. For terms, benefits or exclusions, contact us. © 2023 ARAG North America, Inc. Rev6/23 200333uph 10 10 6/26/23 12:04 PM6/26/23 12:04 PM