B. After The Benefit Waiting Period You are eligible for the Return to Work Incentive on the first day you work after the Benefit Waiting Period if LTD Benefits are payable on that date. The Return To Work Incentive changes 12 months after that date, as follows: 1. During the first 12 months, your Work Earnings will be Deductible Income as determined below: a. Determine the amount of your LTD Benefit as if there were no Deductible Income, and add your Work Earnings to that amount. b. Determine 100% of your Indexed Predisability Earnings. c. If a. is greater than b., the difference will be Deductible Income. 2. After those first 12 months, one half of your Work Earnings will be Deductible Income. Work Earnings means your gross monthly earnings from work you perform while Disabled, including earnings from your Employer, any other employer, or self-employment. LT.RW.01 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION EXPENSE BENEFIT If you return to work in any occupation for any employer, not including self-employment, as a result of a reasonable accommodation made by such employer, we will pay that employer a Reasonable Accommodation Expense Benefit of up to $25,000, but not to exceed the expenses incurred. The Reasonable Accommodation Expense Benefit is payable only if the reasonable accommodation is approved by us in writing prior to its implementation. REHABILITATION PLAN PROVISION While you are Disabled you may qualify to participate in a Rehabilitation Plan. Rehabilitation Plan means a written plan, program or course of vocational training or education that is intended to prepare you to return to work. To participate in a Rehabilitation Plan you must apply on our forms or in a letter to us. The terms, conditions and objectives of the plan must be accepted by you and approved by us in advance. We have the sole discretion to approve your Rehabilitation Plan. While you are participating in an approved Rehabilitation Plan, your LTD Benefit will be increased by 10% of your Predisability Earnings. Your LTD Benefit may not exceed the Maximum LTD Benefit shown in the Coverage Outline as a result of this increase. An approved Rehabilitation Plan may include our payment of some or all of the expenses you incur in connection with the plan, including: a. Training and education expenses. b. Family care expenses. c. Job-related expenses. d. Job search expenses. TEMPORARY RECOVERY You may temporarily recover from your Disability, and then become Disabled again from the same cause or causes, without having to serve a new Benefit Waiting Period. Temporary Recovery means you cease to be Disabled for no longer than the applicable Allowable Period. 377661-B - 7 - 6/29/2022