Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Basic Branding Guidelines 7 When not using the specified logo lock ups (the Quality Seal and the BHHS wordmark), the logo components may be used separately. When separated, the components should stand alone and work as individual elements. t herefore it is important to keep a healthy distance between components in order to differentiate the Quality Seal and the logo. When the Quality Seal is separated from the lock up, it is to be placed a minimum of 5Q distance away from the wordmark, with “Q” being the height of the Quality Seal. See example below and on the following page. SEPA r A t ING t HE QUALI ty SEAL F r OM t HE LOGOMA r K Allison & Doyle, REALTORS Q Q Q Q Q

Berkshire Hathaway Brand Book - Page 8 Berkshire Hathaway Brand Book Page 7 Page 9