BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 86 GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP with BNY Mellon’s Code of Conduct, internal policies and procedures, applicable laws and regulations, and in consultation with the Compliance and Legal Departments. EMPLOYEE-FUNDED POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES AND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS BNY Mellon has two PACs funded entirely by voluntary contributions from eligible employees. Employees are not reimbursed or compensated in any way for political activities or contributions. BNY Mellon did not make any corporate contributions 43 in 2021. We do not use corporate funds for independent political expenditures to support or oppose any candidate for office. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS IN 2021 (USD)* Republican Democratic To t a l U.S. House $ 31,50 0 $91,000 $122,500 U.S. Senate $35,500 $54,000 $89,500 To t a l $67,000 $145,000 $212,000 * A dditional contributions include $5,000 made to Pennsylvania candidates, resulting in $217,000 in total PAC disbursements. In 2021, our federal lobbying expenses were $1,110,000. Further information on our public policy engagement and lobbying and industry participation in trade associations is available here . 43 A corpor ate contribution is defined to include a state candidate committee, a 501(c) 4, 527 or ballot initiatives. PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS Our Opportunity and Approach We consider human dignity paramount, and we work to preserve and champion human rights throughout our company, our supply chain and broader society. We require that all employees be treated with fairness, dignity and respect at work. We are committed to preserving human rights by instituting policies that help prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. These values help define our company, and we reinforce them through policies governing our supply chain and employment practices: Drug- and Alcohol-free Workplace policy Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) policy Gender Equality Statement Health and Safety Statement Human Rights Statement Notice of Affirmative Action Programs and Notice to Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities Modern Slavery Act Statement Sexual and Other Discriminatory Harassment policy WHAT GUIDES US When determining our approach to respecting human rights, we look to leading international standards, such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) Core Conventions and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We are further guided by our participation as a signatory to the UN Global Compact. Informed by these global principles, the BNY Mellon Human Rights Statement demonstrates a commitment to human rights that is embedded in the culture and values that define our company and is reflected in our policies and actions toward our employees, suppliers, clients and the communities and countries where we do business and throughout our value chain. This statement was updated and approved in February 2022. Our expanded statement clarifies its scope with direct links to the UK and Australia Modern Slavery Acts,
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