BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 2 ABOUT THIS REPORT ABOUT THIS REPORT This is BNY Mellon’s 15th report covering environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics. Our annual updates in this report are not just about our company’s environmental and social impact, but also about how we view and integrate ESG considerations throughout our operations, leveraging opportunities and mitigating risks cross-functionally and across our lines of business. We publish our Enterprise ESG report annually, generally in the second quarter, on www.bnymellon. com/futurefirst . Unless otherwise noted, this report includes data and activities from BNY Mellon’s global operations for the calendar year 2021, and all data is as of 12/31/2021 and covers The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and its subsidiaries. The report also provides select data from past years in order to facilitate year-over-year analysis. The methodologies, assumptions and estimates used to calculate climate- related data (including greenhouse gas emissions) throughout the industry are continuing to develop and are likely to change in future periods, including as a result of regulatory or other developments. As such, this could result in changes to the data, scope and time periods presented. This is our 13th report using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, a leading sustainability reporting framework. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards Comprehensive option. NEW IN THIS REPORT This report describes our progress toward reporting against the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and serves as an update to our Considering Climate at BNY Mellon report, released in February 2021. Reflecting our integrated approach to the TCFD recommendations, the related content is contained throughout this report. A TCFD Index indicates the location of relevant public information in both this report and others. United Nations Global Compact As a participant of the UN Global Compact, our commitment to a culture of integrity is supported at the highest level. We report on our alignment with the Ten Principals of the UN Global Compact through our Communication on Progress , which is included in this report. As part of our pledge to the UN Global Compact , we continue to support broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From our administration of green bond issuances to our efforts to build the workforce of the future, we contribute in tangible ways to achieving a more sustainable world. In this report, we highlight the SDGs that correspond to each of our Enterprise ESG pillars. Glossary of Key Terms Finally, to advance transparency and consistency in ESG disclosures, this report includes a glossary of key terms related to ESG issues and responsible investing. We believe that sharing these definitions with our stakeholders will contribute to achieving consistent terminology and shared understanding. We welcome your comments about this or any of our reports via the contact form on our website. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
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