BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 107 APPENDIX UN GLOBAL COMPACT COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS (COP) COMMITMENT STATEMENT FROM CEO CEO LETTER Principle 1: Human Rights Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. 1) BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Protecting Human Rights, p.86-89 2) BNY Mellon Human Rights Statement Principle 2: Human Rights Businesses should make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses. 1) BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Protecting Human Rights, p.86-89 2) BNY Mellon Human Rights Statement 3) BNY Mellon Supplier Code of Conduct Principle 3: Labor Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. 1) BNY Mellon Employee Code of Conduct BNY Mellon fully complies with local laws regarding employee rights and collective bargaining. In certain locations outside of the U.S., we have works councils, engage with trade unions and adhere to applicable national collective bargaining agreements. We also have client and vendor relationships with trade unions. Our Code of Conduct applies to our employees globally and emphasizes the company’s commitment to foster a culture where all employees feel valued, engaged and are able to bring their whole selves to the workplace. Employees are encouraged to raise any concerns through multiple channels identified in the Code of Conduct. Principle 4: Labor Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. 1) BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Protecting Human Rights, p.86-89 2) BNY Mellon Human Rights Statement 3) BNY Mellon Supplier Code of Conduct & Ethics Help Line 4) BNY Mellon Modern Slavery Act In order to respond to the UK Modern Slavery Act, we have conducted due diligence in partnership with our legal counsel, procurement team and Human Resources, and our CGNSR Committee of the Board of Directors has signed our statement and disclosure. We will report annually on our policies, training, due diligence processes and the effectiveness of our measures to combat modern slavery and trafficking. These efforts build on our Supplier Code of Conduct and Master Agreement templates, which include human rights provisions for all potential new suppliers.
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