BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 84 GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Enterprise ESG 2025 Supplier Diversity Goal Build a Supplier Diversity program that has longevity, consistent with BNY Mellon’s value proposition and diversity initiatives KPI: Refine program resources to improve program processes and increase efficiencies Progress: • Identified and contracted with new software tool company to aid management of diverse suppliers • Working with sourcing group to integrate Supplier Diversity data into accounts payable and source-to-pay tools KPI: Implement a company- wide sustainable training program on supplier diversity Progress: • Developed training for client-facing colleagues to assist with RFP responses KPI: Increase outreach with diverse suppliers through supplier development and education experiences Progress: • Made meaningful connections with diverse suppliers by participating in various events during 2021 • Launched first Supplier Diversity Mentoring program • Launched FAC program (Facilitate, Advocate, and Contract) Supplier Responsibility In 2021, we updated and expanded our Supplier Code of Conduct to more clearly articulate our expectations related to worker health and safety, labor and human rights, environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, ethics, community commitment, conflicts of interest and other responsible business practices. We set high standards for ourselves in these areas and expect our suppliers to meet similar standards of excellence. We expect our suppliers to understand and act in accordance with this Code, including by aligning their corresponding guidelines, policies and practices, and by communicating and enforcing applicable Code requirements throughout their organization and across their own supply chains. Any violations of our Supplier Code of Conduct can be reported through our confidential Ethics Help Line . Supplier Diversity Developing a supply chain that encompasses small and diverse suppliers not only brings valuable perspectives to our company, but it is also an important part of our corporate strategy and helps advance our Enterprise ESG goals. We seek to do business with best-in-class, cost-competitive and innovative diverse suppliers and small businesses. Our Supplier Diversity program is designed to provide opportunities for businesses owned and operated by minorities, women, veterans, individuals with disabilities and LGBTQ+ individuals as well as small businesses. Our updated Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our approach and expectations that our direct suppliers will include small and diverse-owned business in their own supply chain, and we may ask them to report their second-tier spend with these suppliers. Our Executive leadership fully supports our efforts to promote the economic growth and development of small and diverse businesses. We created the Facilitate, Advocate, and Contract (FAC) program to drive spending with a targeted diverse group to bring to parity with other diverse groups. We have also been collaborating closely with our lines of business and corporate functions to increase spend in nontraditional professional services, such as broker/dealers, asset management firms and legal firms. As part of our commitment to diverse supplier development, we launched our Supplier Diversity Mentoring program in 2021 with an initial cohort of four mentor-mentee pairs. This program is aimed at increasing diverse and small business capabilities through guidance and feedback from BNY Mellon colleagues.
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