Case Study: Infer

CASE STUDY Sharing the Voice of the Customer To Build Awareness—and Expand Customer Community Infer, Inc. joined G2 Crowd to expand its customer reach and its capability to share the voice of the customer. It sought to encourage broader participation in the customer community to gather in-depth feedback, both positive and negative. Insights are shared widely within Infer to improve the Infer, Inc. delivers proven customer experience and drive product innovation. AI applications that help businesses win more THE CHALLENGE – Expanding and Sharing Customer Feedback customers. It leverages proven data science to Infer could hear the “voice of the customer,” especially when it came to receiving rapidly model the untapped positive comments directly. Its challenge, however, was two-fold. First, it was data sitting in enterprises, collecting and aggregating customer comments manually; the process was tedious along with thousands of for its team, and the resulting content was not sharable. Second, because the reviews signals from the web. Infer it collected tended to be very positive, Infer wanted to make sure that there was a has the largest customer balanced approach to gathering feedback. Most important was having a genuine base in its category, and representation of the customer voice. more 5-star ratings than any other predictive vendor on In addition, Infer wanted to take its customer engagement to the next level as it built G2 Crowd. awareness and acceptance for its innovative AI and predictive analytics platform. Infer has the largest B2B predictive sales and marketing customer base and considers its customer community a key differentiator. In collecting customer feedback, both positive comments and constructive criticism, Infer emphasizes credibility. Recognizing that its targeted customer base was already active on the G2 Crowd platform, the company made the decision to partner with G2 Crowd.

CASE STUDY REVIEWS BY YEAR Partnering with G2 Crowd results 40 in steep increase in reviews for Infer products and solutions 1 2014 2015 2016 2017 “G2 Crowd quickly has RESULTS – A Growing Community of Authenticated Reviews become one of the key water coolers, or perhaps cafes, By expanding its outreach through G2 Crowd’s platform of authenticated user for Infer’s thriving customer reviews, Infer tapped a growing source of credible feedback and engaged in more community to gather and conversations with current and potential customers. share their stories leveraging AI and predictive analytics The Infer product team works closely with customer success (CS) and account in their business. The clean management to build its growing G2 Crowd community. When a customer reaches a and user-friendly layout certain point in its lifecycle, Infer’s CS engages them for product feedback. of the review site makes it easy for individuals to leave The Action Plan: Driving Product Strategy valuable feedback and share instantly across their social Customer feedback has helped validate Infer’s overall product strategy, including networks.” the importance of making AI more understandable to the end user. When Infer helped pioneer predictive B2B sales and marketing, it encountered little friction over Sean Zinsmeister, VP of adoption of “black box” models. However, they anticipated the time would come Product Marketing, Infer, Inc. when the end user would challenge this approach. This is why it has expanded its product portfolio to include innovation dedicated to sales intelligence. As Infer shares all reviews with its product team, the customer community remains a major driving force for its product development roadmap. This feedback helps foster greater innovation through learning, creating, and iterating. | 847.748.7559 | [email protected]