Case Study - Kimble
CASE STUDY Leveling the Playing Field G2 Crowd Platform Strengthens Provider’s Marketing Against Well-Funded Competitors Kimble Professional Services Automation selected G2 Crowd and its platform of verified user reviews to raise awareness of Kimble’s PSA solutions. Leveraging the breadth and robustness of the G2 Crowd Kimble is a leading specialist platform, Kimble was able to extend its marketing efforts and reach more Professional Services prospective customers. This allows the firm to invest more resources on Automation SaaS product development and customer success. vendor. Kimble’s unique augmented intelligence The Challenge: Facing Off against Well-Funded Competitors framework helps drive customer-defined best Kimble Professional Services Automation faces some very well-funded competitors, practices that improve which use their marketing dollars to promote PSA offerings that are actually part performance. It offers of product suites. Kimble, however, specializes in PSA and partners with providers forward- looking intelligent of complementary offerings, giving customers “best-of- breed” solutions. With its insights that guide managers strong focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Kimble has devoted far more to optimize decision-making. resources to product development than marketing and sales. Its goal is to have a product that speaks for itself. But how could Kimble ensure that is solutions don’t lose visibility amid a sea of competitors buying online advertising? Kimble’s answer was G2 Crowd and its platform of verified user reviews, many of which include a screenshot to improve the content and reliability of the review. 100+ Reviews 100 61 Reviews 50 43 Reviews 1 Review 0 BEFORE G2 CROWD YEAR 1 YEAR 2 TODAY