Cisco Brand Book

Cisco delivers innovative software-defined networking, cloud, and security solutions to help transform your business.

The Cisco Brand Book © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Cisco Brand. As the Cisco business charges forward— entering new arkets reaching out to new custoers eanding globall—it is essential that the Cisco brand grow with it. e want to ake sure that the brand catures new audiences while keeing eisting custoers loal and ha. This book will hel ou envision how the Cisco Brand is evolving and will serve as a guide for ileenting the Cisco Brand dentit ­ste both inside and outside the coan. 2 The Cisco Brand

Contents Introduction Section 1 The Cisco Brand € The Cisco Brand ‚ision ­tance ƒroise and Attributes „ The Cisco Brand …erience † here to Begin 1‡ Section 2 Cisco dentit ­ste 1ˆ Cisco Brand dentit ­ste ‰verview 1Š ‹ogo 1† Color 2‡ Tograh 2† cons ‡€ Treatents ‡† Œradients €2 Œrahics €Š Tetures ˆ€ ager ˆ„ Section 3 Žesign Alication ‘‡ Žesign Alication ’sing the Cisco dentit ­ste ‘€ ƒresentations ‘ˆ eb / ’ser …erience ‘‘ Žata ­heet ‘Š Brochure ‘„ ƒackaging ‘† ‚ideo Š0 Tradeshow Š1 …nvironental Š2 Section 4 Asset Žirector and Contact Š€ Brand ­uort ‡ The Cisco Brand

­ection 1“ The Cisco Brand The Cisco Brand

Cisco Brand Story The Cisco Brand Cisco and its Brand Cisco and its Brand Œreat coanies are built on strong ­o what is a brand” ­il ut a deall our custoers’ ercetions brands that influence custoer choice brand is a constellation of eeriences of Cisco should align with our own and build loalt. A strong brand is erceived in the heart and ind of asirations. e asire to be a coan a coetitive asset—one that can the custoer. …ver tie a custoer that brings eole together using irove arket osition and contribute engages with our coan these the ost innovative technolog in the to coan rofitabilit. hen the eeriences grow. At Cisco our brand is world. hen our custoers share essence of a brand is understood a roise we ake to our custoers—a that vision our branding efforts will within a coan it can serve as a roise we strive to fulfill at ever oint be successful. To reach that goal source of insiration eciteent of custoer interaction. •or eloees re—uires active and uroseful brand and eloee satisfaction. the brand roise is reflected in their anageent. e begin b defining dail work eerience. what our asirations are˜ these are the ercetions we want our custoers to have. ˆ The Cisco Brand

Cisco ™ Bringing eole together ‘ The Cisco Brand

Cisco Brand Book - Page 7

Cisco Brand Story The Cisco Brand ‚ision ­tance ƒroise and Attributes Brand VISIon Brand PromISe Brand aTTrIBuTeS ­tates where we are going as a ‰utlines our coitent to our The characteristics we want associated coan and what we want to be“ custoers“ with Cisco. e have gathered inut The most trusted technology company When customers think of Cisco, they fro custoers and we know that these in the world, Cisco is a leader in think of a company that brings people are all characteristics that the believe delivering personal and business video together by removing the barriers to are iortant and that could strongl that transforms life’s experiences. communication. By connecting people affect their urchasing decisions. Cisco can transform our lives, making Innovative Brand STanCe us more productive, engaged, reliable The single idea we want to own in and powerful. Quality-driven our custoers’ inds“ Trustworthy Cisco = effortless Bringing people together approachable Value-oriented Personal Visionary „ The Cisco Brand

The Cisco Brand …erience defining the Cisco Brand experience exceptional Vital The Cisco brand eerience defines our custoers’ interaction with our The eerience should delight our The eerience should eet our coan its roducts eole and custoers b roviding unrivaled —ualit custoer’s needs b being essential counications. hen custoers that eceeds their eectations. eaningful and relevant. interact with Cisco we want their eerience to be“ effortless Visionary The eerience should ake our The eerience should transfor our custoer’s life easier through its custoer’s world for the better with straightforward friendl aroach. innovative leadingšedge interactions. † The Cisco Brand

Standards for each Set of Touchpoints There are literall do›ens of touchoints in which custoers interact with Cisco—fro advertising to roduct interface to the hone call with a technical suort reresentative. e have groued these touchoints into three sets—counications roducts and services and eole—and for each set we have rovided detailed standards that define what our brand eerience should be. 10 The Cisco Brand

Cisco Brand Story …erience ­tandards The Cisco Brand …erience Cisco communications should The Cisco product and services Interactions with people at Cisco should always be: experience itself should always be: always make customers feel we are: Clear, engaging, and straightforward High quality Straightforward and efficient ’se language and visuals aroriate ‰ur offerings should be unrivaled œuestions or robles should be handled to the target audience. in erforance and functionalit. —uickl and soothl˜ we never want to create ore issues for our custoers. Friendly and welcoming easy and intuitive Be aroachable. Avoid coing across as e should reduce coleit while respectful and confident overbearing inšouršface or aggressive. delivering as uch value as ossible. žnowledgeable but never arrogant. e never want the custoer to feel foolish real and relevant necessary to solve real problems or inet. Be honest and address what is ost ‰ur roducts and services need to iortant to the custoer. actuall hel our custoers. Great listeners The custoer should feel we understand Surprising and fresh unique, not imitative or derivative and anticiate his or her needs. Both the content and the wa we e want to lead the wa not counicate should be as innovative co others. Trusted leaders as our roducts. The custoer should feel we know the wa and are on his or her side. 11 The Cisco Brand

here to Begin The Cisco Brand

Where to Begin ithin the fraework of this book are the eleents ou need to articulate the Cisco Brand. hile consistenc is iortant ou won’t find a rubber sta. hat ou will find are all the tools ou need to deliver a range of visual eression. As ou deterine what stor to tell and how ou want to tell it ou can rel on the coonents of this book to eower insiration. 1‡ The Cisco Brand

The Cisco Brand Ÿow to begin ’sing the Cisco Brand dentit ­ste Know your audience evolution a system designed and design for them not revolution for flexibility ¡ou know our audience best. ­o it’s At first glance the new Cisco Brand hen ou are the world’s technolog u to ou to decide on the look and dentit ­ste looks revolutionar. t’s leader ou know the onl constant feel that best suits our channel and bold attentionšgetting and surrising. is change. Changing technolog its counications. ‰nce ou decide And it’s designed to evolve far into the eanding arkets eerging edia on what ou want to sa and how ou future. ­o we suggest ileenting latfors. To sta relevant in this want to sa it ou’ll be suorted at the sste in increental evolutionar landscae the Cisco brand ust ever turn with a visual sste built to stes. ¢ot all the eleents of the change to kee ace with our business cater to our needs. The fleible tools identit have to be launched in one fell needs. To adat we’ve created an included in this design sste will swoo. n fact we’ve got a considerable identit sste designed to evolve. eower ou to build counications aount of brand e—uit invested in our ‚ibrant eciting and forwardšthinking to reach the diverse Cisco audience. forer brand sstes and grahic our visual sste is fleible enough to identit. ‰ur custoers know recogni›e let ou build …nterrise counications and trust the Cisco brand. e want to that are fun and dnaic or create aintain that trust. Consuer essaging that is clean sile and elegant. 1€ The Cisco Brand

­ection 2“ Cisco Brand dentit ­ste The Cisco Brand

Cisco Brand Identity System hat are the eleents that ake u our Brand dentit” The words ou choose. The te ou use. The colors grahics and iager ou counicate with. The wa ou use the Cisco logo. These are the ke building blocks that hel tell the Cisco stor and shae eole’s ercetion of Cisco— fro consuer to shareholder fro artner to eloee. 1‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Cisco Brand Identity System ‰verview Brand ƒalette e’ve created building blocks for LoGo CoLor TYPoGraPHY IConS counicating Cisco’s Brand dentit in a unified visual sste we call the Brand ƒalette. Corised of core eleents Tograh including logo color te and icons as ƒlaful. well as etended eressions including treatents gradients grahics and Clean. tetures this wide range of tools is Želightful. designed to be fleible and eandable— so ou can use our creativit to innovate across all edia. To effectivel define the Cisco brand eerience these core eleents ust be aligned across ever TreaTmenTS GradIenTS GraPHICS TeXTureS touchoint fro consuer to shareholder fro artner to eloee. SECTION OVERVIEW The following sections rovide creative guidance on how to use the brand alette. ith a shared design sensibilit we can use each eleent to elevate the Cisco Brand in a wa that is distinctive and at once iediatel recogni›able as Cisco. Content ƒanes“ 100£ ‰a—ue hite ‰verla“ Šˆ£ ‰a—ue Black 1Š The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Cisco Brand dentit ­ste“ Brand ƒalette Core Brand elements 1. ‹ogo 2. Color ‡. Tograh €. cons Brand expressions ˆ. Treatents ‘. Œradients Š. Œrahics „. Tetures †. ager The Cisco Brand

1. Logo Principles The Cisco logo is iconic and distinct. t signals a consistent foundation— aintaining brand e—uit while reinforcing brand leadershi confidence and reliabilit. n classic referred or suleental colors the Cisco logo works across all edia. ith a fleible aroach to alettes and logo staging the Cisco logo coes alive with renewed sark and energ. 1† The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements ‹ogo ‹ogo …leents The Cisco logo should work across all PmS 7477 + PmS 187 PmS 7477 BLaCK reVerSed edia. The stle ou choose will deend on the environent in which the logo aears. To ensure the eression of the logo is right for its contet we’ve created a sste that includes ƒA¢T‰¢…® color and an etended alette of solid colors and gradients as well as reversed logo treatents. ­o whether the Cisco logo aears on ackaging the eb T‚ in PreFerred PaLeTTe / SoLId rint on screen or on a roduct ou have near infinite design fleibilit to adat the logo to its aroriate design contet. EXTENDED LOGO PALETTE The alettes to the right rovide an eale of how color can be infused into the logo. These are onl artial alettes. •or colete alettes lease refer to the following Color section. PreFerred PaLeTTe / GradIenTS 20 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements ‹ogo ‹ogo ­tandards Clear ­ace ¥aiu ­i›e ¥iniu ­i›e x x x ‹ogo iniu si›e with tradeark ™ sbol“ ‡/€§ x x ¢o tradeark ™ sbol usage“ ‹ogo aiu si›e with tradeark ™ sbol“ ‡š‡/€§ Œreater than ‡š‡/€§ 1/2§ or saller all onšscreen alications Œive it sace. To reserve the integrit and visual iact of the Cisco logo Too big too uch. hen using the Cisco logo in largešscale forats Too sall not enough. To ensure that the Cisco logo and its tradeark alwas aintain ade—uate clear sace around it. The clear sace around the it is iortant onl to include the tradeark ™ sbol u to ‡š‡/€.§ Anthing sbol reroduce legibl at saller scales onl include the tradeark logo is an integral art of its design and ensures the logo can be seen —uickl larger and the tradeark sbol will begin to coete against the ark itself. ™ sbol down to ‡/€§. The tradeark sbol will not reroduce legibl uncluttered b other logos sbols artwork or tet. at an si›e saller than ‡/€§. •or all video and onšscreen alications reove the tradeark sbol coletel. 21 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements ‹ogo Cross ¥edia Alication LOGO LOCK-UPS An tet lockšu with the Cisco logo should be balanced eaning e—uall weighted visuall. Cošbranded counications Connect Your Employees to have other considerations. Suppliers and Customers, and Your Business to the World. For a small business like yours to communicate effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s competitive business environment, you need ready access to information, updated in real time. With the right solution, your business can collaborate more effectively and problem-solve like never before. Cisco Unified Wireless Network The isco® mart usiness ommunications ystem  is an all-in-one networking and ANNUAL REPORT 2009  communications solution that will enable you to Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Simplifies Detection Brochure do ust that. ­nd it includes the peace of mind that comes with support from the worldwide leader in networking and communications. LOGO PLACEMENT The Cisco logo should alwas be resent on all Ciscošbranded counications roducts and services˜ resent but not doineering and rarel if ever iniscule. LOGO COLOR Color fill choices should be ade on the basis of contet and contrast. hatever color fill ou al to the logo should rovide ‘0£ contrast or better against the background. Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution 22 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

2. Color Principles Color is the ost fundaental et ost owerful tool in creating or eressing a ood or feeling. Take advantage of it. ƒla with color. Color brings our brand to life. Color used sil and with balance can counicate clarit consistenc and odern sohistication. ‚ivid highlights and contrasting subtlet turn ordinar into etraordinar. 2‡ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Color Brand Colors Wte Pantone 428 Pantone 423 Poe Ba Pantone 7477 Cisco Classic colors serve as a CISCo CLaSSIC CoLorSR255, G255, B255 R207, G212, B216 R159, G161, B164 R0, G0, B0 R0, G85, B104 C0, M0, Y0, K0 C2, M0, Y0, K18 C0, M0, Y0, K44 C0, M0, Y0, K100 C80, M0, Y10, K68 foundational alette that work universall #FFFFFF #A7A9AC #9FA1A4 #000000 #005568 across all of Cisco. ¥ade u of white and Wte Pantone 428 Pantone 423 Poe Ba Pantone 7477 R255, G255, B255 R207, G212, B216 R159, G161, B164 R0, G0, B0 R0, G85, B104 onochroatic increents of gra and C0, M0, Y0, K0 C2, M0, Y0, K18 C0, M0, Y0, K44 C0, M0, Y0, K100 C80, M0, Y10, K68 #FFFFFF #A7A9AC #9FA1A4 #000000 #005568 Cisco Blue these colors will anchor and balance color eressions when used with etended riar and secondar alettes. hen it is iortant to signal Cisco’s brand e—uit with color alone Cisco’s legac ƒA¢T‰¢…® Š€ŠŠ reains a core color to be used in con¨unction with the onochroatic alette. PreFerred and SuPPLemenTaL CoLorS ƒreferred and suleental base colors Pantone 390 Pantone 7738 Pantone 2925 Pantone 526 Pantone 187 Pantone 1797 Pantone 158 Pantone 115 san the color sectru. These colors R193, G205, B35 R70, G160, B64 R0, G150, B214 R101, G45, B137 R196, G18, B48 R227, G27, B35 R245, G128, B37 R255, G225, B79 C22, M0, Y100, K8 C76, M13, Y100, K1 C85, M24, Y0, K0 C76, M100, Y7, K0 C0, M100, Y79, K20 C0, M100, Y99, K4 C0, M61, Y97, K0 C0, M9, Y80, K0 have been selected as a foundation #C1CD23 #46A040 #0096D6 #652D89 #C41230 #E31B23 #F58025 #FFE14F Pantone 390 Pantone 7738 Pantone 2925 Pantone 526 Pantone 187 Pantone 1797 Pantone 158 Pantone 115 fro which to build and evolve R193, G205, B35 R70, G160, B64 R0, G150, B214 R101, G45, B137 R196, G18, B48 R227, G27, B35 R245, G128, B37 R255, G225, B79 C22, M0, Y100, K8 C76, M13, Y100, K1 C85, M24, Y0, K0 C76, M100, Y7, K0 C0, M100, Y79, K20 C0, M100, Y99, K4 C0, M61, Y97, K0 C0, M9, Y80, K0 secondar alettes. #C1CD23 #46A040 #0096D6 #652D89 #C41230 #E31B23 #F58025 #FFE14F PreFerred CoLorS SuPPLemenTaL CoLorS SUPPLEMENTAL COLORS ­uleental colors work best as a foundation for highlights or accents. The should not be used as a doinant color—secificall ellow and urle hues. 2€ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Color …anding ƒriar and ­econdar ƒalettes hen it coes to counicating the Cool Warm CooL — PreFerred Warm — SuPPLemenTaL Cisco brand color is —uintessential. The base analogous base analogous following color configurations show how base extensions complementary Cisco’s referred and suleental pairing colors can be eanded analogousl foundation to build haronious color alettes and coleentar airings. orking fro these analogous etensions will ield base analogous base analogous rich results that arr well with Cisco’s base extensions complementary foundational colors. pairing foundation ANALOGOUS COLOR An analogous color schee adds hues and values that are ad¨acent to a chosen color on a color wheel. •or eale red to orange. COMPLEMENTARY COLOR base analogous base analogous A coleentar color schee adds hues and values that are oosite to a chosen color on a color wheel. •or eale red and green. base extensions complementary pairing SHADES AND TINTS A shade is the iture of a color with black which reduces lightness. A tint foundation is the iture of a color with white which increases lightness. USING COLOR WITH CISCO PANTONE® 7477 These alettes have also been develoed to work haroniousl with Cisco’s base analogous base analogous legac ƒA¢T‰¢…® Š€ŠŠ. f needed ƒA¢T‰¢…® Š€ŠŠ can be used as a suort color with an of the alettes to reinforce Cisco’s brand e—uit. base extensions complementary Ÿowever it is iortant that it be used saringl and onl when necessar. pairing foundation 2ˆ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Color Analogous and Coleentar ƒalettes To hel ou ake effective color choices PreFerred anaLoGouS PaLeTTeS SuPPLemenTaL anaLoGouS PaLeTTeS SPLIT ComPLemenTarY PaLeTTeS and ensure color is working to suort the Cisco essage and eaning we’ve base analogous base analogous base split complementary develoed a nuber of color alettes. vivid vivid vivid These etended alettes allow ou to dial u or down the intensit of an color cobination for a wide range of alications oods and essages. ­tart with these alettes “as is” or custoi›e to ake aroriate for our thee or alication. muted muted muted USING COLOR WITH GRAY hatever color alette ou choose both cool and war alettes should be used with foundational shades of gra. hether gra is used as a base base analogous base analogous base pentagram to anchor or as a highlight to lift the haronious cobination of rich hues and gras will define and elevate Cisco’s look and feel. vivid vivid vivid IMPORTANCE OF WHITE The use of white sets the stage for Cisco’s color to o. Balanced ratios of white sace can accentuate the vibranc of bold colors or elevate the sohistication of uted tones and onochroatic gras. CISCO COLOR PALETTE LIBRARY The alettes shown here are a recoended starting oint for color usage. f ou re—uire ore alette choices a colete librar of Cisco analogous and coleentar alettes is available. muted muted muted 2‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

baseanalogous extension — Typography. baseanalogous extension Play — base analogous extension base analogous extension With Typography. — baseanalogous extension Play Color — Typography. — Play palette transformed into gradient With —Core Brand elements ƒalette Alication / Theatic …ression Color Typography. Typography. Color With base analogous extension Play — Color palette transformed into gradient — Typography. With Play palette transformed into gradient Play — With Color Together. Color palette transformed into gradient — With palette transformed into gradient base analogous extension — Together. Together. Together. — Color Typography. palette transformed into gradient Together. Play — With PALETTE APPLICATION Before develoing designs choose our color stor and COLOR IN TYPOGRAPHY AND LOGO sta consistent. Choose fro nfuse color into te b words letters Color rovided alettes to ensure or as a gradient across words or hrases. a haronious balance of COLOR IN GRAPHICS AND ICONS hen aroriate coleent our color hues and contrast. ork fro analogous alettes to color alette b treating the Cisco logo palette transformed into gradient with color. — create grahics with balanced color consistenc. Choose icons with coleentar colors to unif COLOR IN GRADIENT TEXTURES overall color stor. Choosing a balanced analogous blend Together. of color fro a alette is a fundaental ste in building haronious gradients and tetures. Together. 2Š The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Color ƒairing ƒalettes f one analogous alette doesn’t eet PaLeTTe PaIrInG PaLeTTe aPPLICaTIon our needs tr airing it with additional analogous alettes. As long as ou ove base analogous ad¨acentl within the color sectru Cisco Unified airing alettes should work haroniousl. Wireless Network But reeber to find a good balance. «ust enough color can be ore effective Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Simplifies Detection Brochure and eressive. Too uch color a overwhel our essage and ake our laout confusing. PAIRING PALETTES ANALOGOUSLY hen airing alettes air the analogousl to ake sure that all colors work haroniousl. ‰therwise ou can end u with conflicting alettes that a feel ore dis¨ointed than connected. base analogous INTEGRATING PALETTES INTO GRAPHIC LANGUAGE hen using alettes in grahic eressions ou can graduall shift colors fro light to dark or alternate between light and dark for ore contrast. …ither wa works as long as ou are using a haronious alette built fro analogous colors. 2„ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

3. Principles of Typography Te tells a stor. The right teface used consistentl builds character. The new Cisco ­ans font fuses odern foundational fors with universal functionalit. ith its broad range of weights a clear hierarch of inforation can be established to etend the tograhical scoe of Cisco’s brand— whether it’s clean and sile or delightful and fun. 2† The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Tograh Cisco ­ans •ont •ail CISCo SanS THIn CISCo SanS THIn oBLIQue ­o ou can counicate —uickl and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ sil without distracting fro our abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ essage we’ve created a ssteatic CISCo SanS eXTra LIGHT CISCo SanS eXTra LIGHT oBLIQue aroach to Cisco tograh using ABCŽ…•ŒŸ «ž‹¥¢‰ƒœ¬­T’‚®¡¯ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Cisco ­ans as our riar teface. abcdefghi¨klno—rstuvw› abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ Choosing fro a cobination of weights CISCo SanS reGuLar CISCo SanS oBLIQue ou can use Cisco ­ans to create a clear aBCdeFGHIJKLmnoPQrSTuVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and consistent visual hierarch. Žone abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz right our use of te will draw readers’ CISCo SanS BoLd CISCo SanS BoLd oBLIQue attention lead the to the ost iortant ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ inforation first and aintain a sense  ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”• abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ of clarit order legibilit and structure CISCo SanS HeaVY CISCo SanS HeaVY oBLIQue throughout our written counication. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ abcde ­€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ CISCO SANS The riar face for all Cisco counications Cisco ­ans is ade u of five weights“ Thin …tra ‹ight ¬egular Bold and Ÿeav. •or each weight there is also an ‰bli—ue version. The a¨orit of Cisco’s counications CISCo SCreen LIGHT CISCo SCreen BoLd should be set in Cisco ­ans …tra ‹ight with thin and heavier weights serving ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ as heads subheads or in creative tograhic alications. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz CISCO SCREEN Ževeloed secificall for interface alications Cisco ­creen ensures CISCo SCreen reGuLar legibilit on user interface digital devices hardware or instruction anuals. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Available in three weights ‹ight ¬egular and Bold Cisco ­creen aii›es functionalit and readabilit within liited sace. Cisco ­creen is available in abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz TrueTe forat onl. ‡0 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Tograh Cisco ­ans •ont •ail CISCo SanS reGuLar and CISCo SanS oBLIQue CISCo SanS FonT FamILY FIGureS Because Cisco is a global coan we CYrILLIC need to ensure our tograhic language АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЄЮЯ is counicated universall. ith that in ЃҐҒЁҖҘӢЌҚҜҠЉҢЊѲҪЂЋѢЎӮҮҰҸӋҺӘЏЅІЇЈѴ ‘’’’’’’’“”•–— ind we develoed the Cisco ­ans font абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстухцчшщъыьэєюяѓґғёҗҙ for crossšcultural and crossšlatfor ӣќқҝҡљңњѳҫђћѣўӯүұҹӌһәџѕіїјѵ ˜™š use. e rovided full Crillic and Œreek АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЄЮЯ character sets in ‰enTe and TrueTe ЃҐҒЁҖҘӢЌҚҜҠЉҢЊѲҪЂЋѢЎӮҮҰҸӋҺӘЏЅІЇЈѴÕ forats so ou can counicate on ¥acs абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстухцчшщъыьэєюяѓґғёҗҙ ›œžŠ„† and ƒCs across Ale ‰­ and ¥icrosoft ӣќқҝҡљңњѳҫђћѣўӯүұҹӌһәџѕіїјѵ indows oerating sstes. GreeK ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊ ΐ Ϊ ΌΎΫΏ 012 CYRILLIC– GREEK– AND GLYPHS αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωςάέή ί ΐ ϊ όύώϋΰ The Cisco ­ans font fail includes Crillic Œreek and glh characters in all of the weights including obli—ue. These characters are shown here ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊÕΐÕΪÕΌΎΫΏÕ set in Cisco ­ans ¬egular and Cisco ­ans ‰bil—ue. αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωςάέήÕίÕΐÕϊÕόύώϋΰ ‡€ˆ6 OPENTYPE AND TRUETYPE FORMATS BaSIC GLYPHS Cisco ­ans is available in both ‰enTe and TrueTe forats. $ ¢ £ €¥ % ‰ & § @ € ? ! , ; . : “” ‘’ “« ‹     ‰tii›ed for crossšlatfor functionalit ‰enTe forats are referred whenever ossible. / ­ €‚ ¤ ¦ § © ª ™ ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ¹ ² ³ ⁴ º ¼ ½ ¾⅓⅔ ÷ 78901 † ‡ № ™ ℮ √ ∞ ∫ ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ¨=© ◊ ∂ Δ Π Σ μ • …¶ º ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ⋆ —˜4™š $Õ¢Õ£Õ€¥Õ%Õ‰Õ&Õ§Õ@Õ€Õ?Õ!Õ,Õ;Õ.Õ:Õ“”Õ‘’Õ“«Õ‹Õ(Õ{Õ[Õ#Õ*Õ /Õ^Õ_~Õ¤Õ¦Õ§Õ©ÕªÕ™Õ¬Õ®Õ¯Õ°Õ±Õ¹Õ²Õ³Õ⁴ÕºÕ¼Õ½Õ¾⅓⅔Õ÷Õ †Õ‡Õ№Õ™Õ℮Õ√Õ∞Õ∫Õ≈Õ≠Õ≤Õ≥Õ™š›Õ◊Õ∂ÕΔÕΠÕΣÕμÕ• ‘’“ …¶ÕºÕ←Õ↑Õ→Õ↓Õ↔Õ↕Õ↖Õ↗Õ↘Õ↙Õ⋆ ‡1 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements Tograh Žesign ƒrinciles ‹eading / Tracking Ÿierarch Color ’sage 9 PT. / LeadInG: 12.6 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 a. dIFFerenT PoInT SIZeS / Same WeIGHTS a. SuBHead and BodY CoPY In GraY ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed Cisco ­all ‹ore su 9 / 12.6 dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna GraY 140% ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et 1» PT. Business ­olutions. ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea eXTra LIGHT Technolog ou can trust. dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. 10 PT. / LeadInG: 13 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 eXTra LIGHT ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea 10 / 13 takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. B. SuBHead In CoLor / BodY CoPY In GraY sed dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et 130% dolore agna ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero CoLor ‹ore su eos et accusa et ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet B. Same PoInT SIZeS / dIFFerenT WeIGHTS GraY ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed clita kasd gubergren no sea takiata sanctus est ‹ore dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. I††‡‘Œ€‡† ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et BoLd ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et 20 PT. / LeadInG: 22 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 eXTra LIGHT ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea Cisco ­all takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. C. CreaTIVe CoPY In CoLor 20 / 22 110% Business ­olutions. CoLor ­ohisticated. ƒlaful. Technolog ou can C. Same PoInT SIZe In one LIne / dIFFerenT WeIGHTS Clean. Želightful. trust. 18 PT. Cisco ­all Business 18 PT. reGuLar THIn ‹egibilit. Current. All leading is not e—ual. As a general rule of thub“ the saller the oint Te can lend clarit to our essage. B eloing a consistent ƒla with color. ­il infusing color into tograh effectivel si›e the larger the leading˜ the higher the oint si›e the tighter the te hierarch the readabilit of our counication becoes ore accolishes two things at once“ t clarifies both inforational hierarch leading. ‹eading should be set between 100 to 1€0£ of the oint si›e. clear and eaningful. The eales above give soe guidance on and organi›ation. And it elevates our tograhic counication The tracking for Cisco ­ans can generall be set to 0. Ad¨ust tracking te hierarch. n general aintain a balanced contrast between with ersonalit and stle. •or aroriate Cisco color alettes and kerning where needed based on alication. titles/subtitles and bod co. follow the guidelines in the color section. ‡2 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

— Cisco Small Business Solutions. ew Ways to Thrive. Technology you can trust. With Cisco Unified Communications, you can talk to customers and When it comes to the technology that keeps ow is the time to access information anywhere in the workplace, enabling you to get your employees, suppliers, and customers securely more accomplished each and every day. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- tions technology you need, with the reliability, work together, solve security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business products that can enable you to get more done in less time. problems together, and bring the world a little closer. Together. That’s the human Core Brand elements network effect. Cross ¥edia Alication — Tograh ­ohisticated. ƒlaful. Clean. Želightful. ¥odern. ‹egibilit ON-SCREEN LETTER SPACE ‰nšscreen te is often lettersaced •riendl. Current. ore loosel than te in rint in order to irove legibilit. Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution — ­table Create a uller more productive meeting experience using Cisco WebEx™ Audio wit your Cisco WebEx solutions. ˆae advantage o coices tat include oI­ traditional pone conerence and audio broadcast. Tograh •unctionalit Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. Improve business efficiency using WebEx Audio to connect up to 500 attendees per meeting. Set up your session wit easytouse pone options including global callbac services. r eep your ƒlaful. pone lines ree wile you save money wit integrated oice over I­ € oI­‚—rom any ‹egibilit computer worldwide. „eliver audio to tousands o participants in onetomany events using Cisco WebEx Event Center wit WebEx Audio …roadcast. †et WebEx Audio services or a single montly ee. ‡eep your meetings private and productive. †ain better control over your meetings. Clean. Identiy wic meeting attendee is speaing wit Active ˆaler indicators. ‰anage call activity wit line muting te ability to add attendees easily and more. „etermine wo attends and wo doesn’t using attendance controls participant lists and meeting locouts. Improve efficiency Cisco Unified Wireless Network using a unified meeting solution. Želightful. Connect Your Employees to Ž ­resentation „ Cisco Confidential ©’0“0 Cisco Systems Inc. All rigts reserved Suppliers and Customers, and Your Business to the World. — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscin elit. n olutpat odio uis diam mattis tristiue a itae est. ellentesue neue risus, iaculis id euiat id, adipiscin eu elis. auris ierra tincidunt ni­h el conallis. aecenas in tellus el sem iaculis sodales. hasellus sit amet elit ac nulla arius tempus id eet risus. Nulla molestie olutpat liula in COLOR AND TYPE pulinar. Nulla acilisi. Cum sociis natoue penati­us et manis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Think of blocks of te as having aecenas sed nisl eet mi conue ­i­endum mattis a dolor. aecenas ehicula laoreet dolor nec ierra. €esti­ulum Cisco Small ante ipsum primis in auci­us orci luctus et ultrices posuere Connect Your Employees to cu­ilia Curae‚ hasellus ullamcorper placerat tempor. a color value—look at te with an ellentesue auci­us enim id enim auctor pulinar. ƒonec Business Solutions. Suppliers and Customers, and ­i­endum saittis nisi uis euismod. Sed aliuam mattis aliuet. Etiam el elis elit, uis ulputate nunc. echnoloy you can trust. ee toward color contrast balance Your Business to the World. roin at tincidunt „usto. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscin elit. n olutpat odio uis diam mattis and teture. tristiue a itae est. ellentesue neue risus, iaculis id When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your CLEAR SPACE euiat id, adipiscin eu elis. auris ierra tincidunt ni­h el conallis. aecenas in tellus el sem iaculis sodales. employees, suppliers, and customers securely hasellus sit amet elit ac nulla arius tempus id eet risus. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Nulla molestie olutpat liula in pulinar. Nulla acilisi. Cum Te should be eas to read and Solutions provide the networkin and communica SENTENCE OR TITLE CASE ONLY For a small business like yours to communicate leasing to look at in laout. ’se clear tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. ‰ur reference is sentence and title Connect Now. he portolio offers a broad rane o small business competitive business environment, you need ready sace as contet—te should not be products that can enable you to et more done in casing onl. Avoid using all cas to Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscin less time. elit. n olutpat odio uis diam mattis tristiue a itae access to inormation, updated in real time. With the crowded. est. ellentesue neue risus, iaculis id euiat id, kee tograh Cisco branded. riht solution, your business can collaborate more adipiscin eu elis. auris ierra tincidunt ni­h el conallis. aecenas in tellus el sem iaculis sodales. hasellus sit amet elit ac nulla arius effectively and problemsolve like never beore. tempus id eet risus. Nulla molestie olutpat liula in pulinar. Nulla acilisi. Cum sociis natoue he Cisco® Smart Business Communications penati­us et manis dis parturient montes, nascetur System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and communications solution that will enable you to do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that comes with support rom the worldwide leader in © 1992-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. networkin and communications. ‡‡ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste Cisco Small The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: Business Solutions. • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret echnoloy you can trust. employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity for better collaboration—and When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your happier customers•  highly secure richmedia employees, suppliers, and customers securely e perience delivered across • aster response to customer needs, any or space connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business because employees can communi Solutions provide the networkin and communica cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, your netor from anyhere costs, at a price that fits a small security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. business budget, supported by the •  return on your technology most attractive financing options he portolio offers a broad rane o small business investment as your business be products that can enable you to et more done in comes more efficient and competitive less time.

4. Icon Principles Cisco’s icons enable users to navigate tasks and ideas with intuition seed and ease. ­ile and friendl Cisco’s icons work e—uall well both as tools and as eressions of our brand. hether ictograhic or hotorealistic al icons to irove usabilit and universalit or to signif ease and accessibilit. ‡€ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements cons ƒictogra / ƒhotorealistic / Ževice cons Cisco’s icons are eant to be read at PICToGraPHIC a glance. Two stles ictograhic and hotorealistic are sulied so ou have the fleibilit to delo the deending on the environent in which the will aear and the budget available. Ticall ictogra icons will be used on e—uient hardware dislas and instruction anuals but can be etended PHoToreaLISTIC to brand eressions. The hotorealistic icons are designed to huani›e our technolog. ’se the to add warth color and friendliness. CISCO ICON LIBRARY The icons shown on the right are a artial reresentation of Cisco’s ictograhic and hotorealistic icon libraries. ­earch through the colete Cisco icon libraries for a full range of iconic sbols and deVICe IConS eressions. ‡ˆ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements cons con …leents ­cale Compatible Extensions Program Clear ­ace Color ’sage a LarGe-SIZe ICon SmaLL-SIZe IConS PICToGram In GraY Compatible Extensions Program Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Brochure Be Sure To ProVIde enouGH CLear SPaCe around IConS PICToGram In CoLor / GradIenTS oPTICaLLY Same HeIGHT oPTICaLLY Same SIZe ­cale can change the ersonalit of an icon. Bold confident and witt To reserve the integrit and visual iact of an icon alwas aintain ’sed wisel color and gradients can bring diension and energ to large icons can tell a sile and direct stor. Œroued in collections or a roer aount of clear sace around it. The clear sace around an ictogras. To create balance and reinforce Cisco’s core alette be aired with te or logo sall icons can tell an different stories. icon is an integral art of its design and ensures the icon can be seen sure to air colored icons with a gra coonent—for eale a tet Ÿowever ou use icons alwas kee a good balance of si›e ratio —uickl and understood easil. label with the Cisco logo. alignent and sacing. ‡‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements cons Cross ¥edia Alication / ƒictogra Cisco United Wireless Network COLOR hen aroriate infuse color into ictogras to create diension and energ. ƒair colored ictogras with a gra coonent to create balance. Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Cisco Spectrum Solution Brochure Intelligence Solution Brochure Cisco Small Cisco Small Business Solutions. Business Solutions. Technology you can trust. Technology you can trust. When it comes to the technology that keeps your When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely employees, suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and commun- Solutions provide the networking and commun- ications technology you need, with the reliability, ications technology you need, with the reliability, MORE OR LESS security and performance you epect from Cisco. security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business The portfolio offers a broad range of small business ­ingular or ultiles use an icon to tell products that can enable you to get more done. products that can enable you to get more done. one stor or grou the to tell various stories. Alwas kee a good ratio of icon si›e and sace. PICTOGRAM INSPIRATION Cisco’s librar of ictogras are ICON LOCK-UPS develoed with the logo in ind. ƒair icons with words to create clever All eleents reference the grahic lockšus and headers. stle of the Cisco ark—fro the rounded ends of the Cisco bars to the corners of the Cisco logote. ‡Š The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Core Brand elements cons Cross ¥edia Alication / ƒhotorealistic and Ževice cons isco Unified ireless “etwor. ­he isco ­elepresence perience Multimedia Assignment Motivates Student to Succeed Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Steven €ale‚ a bright but unmotivated student‚ was ƒuietly singing a rap tune when he overheard his teacher mention something about a multimedia assignment. ­his caught Solution Brochure his attention and he tuned bac in to discover that she wanted the students to create videos about historical events or heroes. €ale immediately thought about the internment of „apanese…†mericans during orld ar II‚ as that was a topic of interest to him. ­he high school junior from Moss ‡oint‚ Mississippi‚ enthusiastically began researching ICON WITH TEXT the „apanese…†merican internment for this project‚ using Internet search engines to ƒair icons with words to create clever locate images‚ boos‚ and articles. ees later‚ he had assembled a video collage set to “‰enji‚” a rap song written and performed by Mie Shinoda‚ a member of the stateents and headers. bands ‹ort Minor and Œinin ‡ar. ­he song is about the confinement of Shinoda’s grandfather at the „apanese…†merican internment camp in Man’anar‚ alifornia. “I was really ecited to do a project featuring Shinoda’s music‚” says €ale. “†nd the topic was relevant to what was happening at the time. Shortly after the Iraƒ war started‚ I heard stories about †mericans of †rabic descent being stopped and searched in airports‚ and ignorant people saying we should just blow them all up‚” he eplains. “My girlfriend is Cisco Unified IP Compatible Extensions Program Meican‚ and the majority of the students in my school are †frican…†merican. So these Compatible Extensions Program recent events both seemed very relevant and bothered me‚ and helped me relate to the Phone Portfolio. plight of „apanese…†mericans during the war.” Technology you Highlights: can trust. Simplified Service International Service Customized Service Use just one convenient Meet with attendees— et a fleible pacage provider for all your by phone or computer— and your choice of integrated audio and in more than 200 countries. integrated audio options web meetings. for each session. Audio Control Audio Access Safeguards Compatible with: and Management Secure integrated audio • isco eb  Meeting Improve meeting productivity meetings by controlling • isco eb  vent using easy audio settings attendance. • isco eb  ­raining and management tools. • Cisco eb  Support Cisco Small Business Solutions. Technology you can trust. Cisco Small Cisco Small When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely Business Solutions. Business Solutions. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- Technology you can trust. Technology you can trust. tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business © 20•0 isco Systems‚ Inc. †ll rights reserved. ‡age • products that can enable you to get more done in When it comes to the technology that keeps your When it comes to the technology that keeps your less time. employees, suppliers, and customers securely employees, suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and commun- Solutions provide the networking and commun- ications technology you need, with the reliability, ications technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business The portfolio offers a broad range of small business products that can enable you to get more done. products that can enable you to get more done. MORE OR LESS An icon can be used either singularl or in ultiles to tell one or several stories. Alwas kee a good ratio of icon si›e Cisco Small COLOR Cisco Spectrum and sace. Business Solutions. Because hotorealistic icons are ntelligence alread rich with color and deth Technology you can trust. the are best used against white ICON WITH CISCO LOGO Solution Brochure hen aroriate using an icon alone backgrounds. Ÿowever soe icons or air it with the Cisco logo to serve as When it comes to the technology that keeps your can work against lightšcolored or employees, suppliers, and customers securely gra gradient backgrounds. a creative signature. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business products that can enable you to get more done in less time. ‡„ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

». Treatment Principles ƒerfection is in the details. ’nderling all Cisco brand eressions is a detailed wellšordered sste of treatents. This unified sste of treatents defines the Cisco eerience. ’se accents and effects as coleentar devices to elevate the ordinar or to accentuate for and function. •or best results kee it clean and sile. ‡† The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Treatents Treatent Attributes Corner ¬adius ­urface and ¥aterials Ževices and …ffects ‡ iels ‘ iels SurFaCe BuTTonS TranSParenCY Content ƒanes“ 100£ ‰a—ue hite Buttons Content ƒanes °ˆ0 or under± ‰verla“ ‡ iels Šˆ£ ‰a—ue Black S S ­ ­ ‚ ‚ T Cisco Small T Cisco Small     ‚ ‚ S S ¢ested ƒanes droP SHadoW 90˚ S Business Solutions. S Business Solutions. S S € € ­ ­ S Technology you can trust. S Technology you can trust.   B B        When it comes to the technology that keeps your  When it comes to the technology that keeps your vector “ 1/„§ š 1/€§ S S employees, suppliers, and customers securely employees, suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and commun- Solutions provide the networking and commun- droP SHadoW 4»˚ Cisco Small ications technology you need, with the reliability, ications technology you need, with the reliability, Business Solutions. security and performance you epect from Cisco. security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business The portfolio offers a broad range of small business Technology you can trust. products that can enable you to get more done. products that can enable you to get more done. ntegral eleents in Cisco’s interface and collateral corner radii ake ƒredoinantl used in eb and digital alications uni—ue surfaces and Transarencies and overlas reveal laers of inforation and teture buttons content anes and enus ore aroachable to our endšusers. aterials can be used to enhance the user eerience. hichever surface while dro shadows lift eleents fro a flat surface. ’se these To build a branded —ualit to corner radii it is iortant to kee all corner or aterial ou choose—glass etal gels or satin finishes be sure to use treatents and effects to add deth and diension in digital or rint radii the sae roortion relationshi. žee corner radius si›ing consistent those that are ost aroriate for our audience. Žon’t let the surface and edia. But use these effects with subtlet so the don’t overower b following the rules above. As scale changes be sure to ad¨ust the corner aterials overwhel our essage˜ use the saringl and tastefull. the focal oint of our sub¨ect. radius ratio accordingl. €0 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Cross ¥edia Alication / Theatic …ression Treatents Cisco Unified Wireless Network Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Simplifies Detection Brochure Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution CORNER RADII ’se Cisco standardi›ed corner radii to ake buttons content anes and enus ore aroachable to our endšusers. Connect Your Employees to Cisco Small Suppliers and Customers, and Business Solutions. Your Business to the World. echnoloy you can trust. When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networkin and communica For a small business like yours to communicate tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. he portolio offers a broad rane o small business competitive business environment, you need ready products that can enable you to et more done in access to inormation, updated in real time. With the less time. riht solution, your business can collaborate more effectively and problemsolve like never beore. he Cisco® Smart Business Communications System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and communications solution that will enable you to do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that comes with support rom the worldwide leader in networkin and communications. Cisco Small The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: Business Solutions. SURFACES AND FINISHES • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret echnoloy you can trust. employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity Connect Your Employees to for better collaboration—and Cisco Small When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your ’ni—ue surfaces and aterials can be happier customers •  highly secure richmedia Business Solutions. employees, suppliers, and customers securely Suppliers and Customers, and e perience delivered across Your Business to the World. • aster response to customer needs, any or space echnoloy you can trust. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business because employees can communi used to enhance buttons navigation Solutions provide the networkin and communica cate ith each other and access When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your • €oer operational and maintenance tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, your netor from anyhere employees, suppliers, and customers securely costs, at a price that fits a small New Ways connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. business budget, supported by the bars and the overall user eerience. Solutions provide the networkin and communica he portolio offers a broad rane o small business For a small business like yours to communicate •  return on your technology most attractive financing options to Thrive investment as your business be tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, products that can enable you to et more done in effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s comes more efficient and competitive security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. Now is the time to work together, he portolio offers a broad rane o small business less time. competitive business environment, you need ready products that can enable you to et more done in solve problems together, and less time. access to inormation, updated in real time. With the riht solution, your business can collaborate more bring the world a little closer. effectively and problemsolve like never beore. Together. he Cisco® Smart Business Communications System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and communications solution that will enable you to do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that comes with support rom the worldwide leader in DROP SHADOWS networkin and communications. Žro shadows lift eleents fro a flat Cisco Small Business Solutions. The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: echnoloy you can trust. surface and add deth and diension • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity for better collaboration—and When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your in digital or rint edia. happier customers •  highly secure richmedia employees, suppliers, and customers securely e perience delivered across connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business • aster response to customer needs, any or space because employees can communi Solutions provide the networkin and communica cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, your netor from anyhere costs, at a price that fits a small security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. business budget, supported by the he portolio offers a broad rane o small business •  return on your technology most attractive financing options investment as your business be products that can enable you to et more done in comes more efficient and competitive less time. €1 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

6. Gradient Principles ntensif our color with diension and deth. Create soft gradients with subtle tonal variations or dnaic gradients with strong chroatic shifts. Build gradients to evoke otion vibranc and energ— signaling flow convergence and connectivit. A celebration of color rich gradients invigorate the Cisco brand. €2 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œradients Œradient ƒalettes e’ve taken the sae shared ssteatic duoTone GradIenT duoTone GradIenT aroach to color and etended it to the creation of gradients. Œradients ehasi›e energ deth and vibranc. ’sed in con¨unction with the Cisco color sste the gradients we’ve sulied here can add diension in alost an alication—fro ackaging to our logo fro tograh to tradeshow banners. B choosing wisel fro duotone or tritone treatents ou can create a range TrITone GradIenT TrITone GradIenT of eressions—fro cal to energetic— sil b increasing the intensit of the gradient. DUOTONE GRADIENTS Žuotone gradients can create a shift between tonal values within a single hue or between two closel analogous hues. t is not recoended to build duotones with coleentar hues or hues that are farther aart fro one another. TRITONE GRADIENTS To create a richer gradient tritones can be used to enhance a duotone with greater value between endoints or to solidif a draatic shift between contrasting hues that are ore coleentar than analogous. €‡ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œradients Building Œradients ƒicking Colors Building Žuotones Building Tritones base analogous base analogousbase analogous 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 organize light to dark organize light torganize light to dark o dark 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 4 4 1 21 32 43 54 5 gradient angle gradient anglegradient angle -45˚ -45˚ -45˚ 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 5 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 Œradients can be built fro an color. orking fro the rovided ‰nce ou’ve chosen our colors ou can then build our duotone. hen duotones are not dnaic enough ou can build tritone color alettes choose a alette that best suits our intended urose. Test various color configurations to find haronious or dnaic gradients. Tritones ield a richer value between endoints—whether ‰rgani›e tonal values fro light to dark to find haronious airings. shifts between contrasting analogous hues or subtle gradations ou ove three stes tonall within siilar hues or san three …nhance linear gradients with oveent and fluidit b adding a between tonal values within one hue. Ževeloing a good ractice contrasting hues within one gradient. Tritones elevate duotones -€ˆ degree directional angle to our gradient. of contrast and coarison between gradients will strengthen our with ore vibranc densit and oveent. gradient eression. €€ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œradients Œradient ƒalettes duoTone GradIenTS TrITone GradIenTS warm cool warm cool €ˆ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œradients Cross ¥edia Alication „ptimi…e meetings using integrated Connect Your Employees to Cisco eb €udio. Schedule easily Cisco Spectrum Suppliers and Customers, and and join from computer or phone. ƒntellience Your Business to the World. Solution Brochure Cisco eb €udio Wh Cisco Web Audio: For a small business like yours to communicate Highlights: effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s Simplified Service competitive business environment, you need ready Use just one convenient provider for all your integrated audio and access to inormation, updated in real time. With the Cisco United web meetings. Audio Control and Management riht solution, your business can collaborate more Wireless Network Improve meeting productivity using easy audio settings and effectively and problemsolve like never beore. management tools. he Cisco® Smart Business Communications International Service Meet with attendees—by phone or computer—in more System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and Choose the right integrated audio options for our needs than 200 countries. communications solution that will enable you to Improve business efficiency using eb €udio to connect up to ‡00 attendees per Audio Access Safeguards meeting. Set up your session with easyˆtoˆuse phone options­ including glob al Secure integrated audio meetings do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that callbac services. „r eep your phone lines free while you save money with integrated by controlling attendance. ‰oice over I‚ Š‰oI‚‹—from any computer worldwide. Œeliver audio to thousands of comes with support rom the worldwide leader in participants in oneˆtoˆmany events using Cisco eb vent Center with eb €udio Customized Service Žroadcast. et eb €udio services for a single monthly fee. et a fleible pacage and your choice of integrated audio options networkin and communications. eep our meetings private and productive for each session. ain better control over your meetings. Identify which meeting attendee is speaing Compatible with: with €ctive aler indicators. Manage call activity with line muting­ the ability to add • Cisco ebEx Meeting Center attendees easily­ and more. Œetermine who attends and who doesn’t using attendance • Cisco eb vent Center controls­ participant lists­ and meeting locouts. • Cisco eb raining Center • Cisco ebEx Support Center GRADIENT IN TYPOGRAPHY AND LOGO Improve efficienc using a unified meeting solution rust eb €udio for all your audio services. „ffer hosts and attendees a single poin t nfuse gradients across words hrases he Cisco Effect of entry to each web meeting. “o more separate phone calls to add audio. „ne invit e­ The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: one login. Count on eb €udio to handle all your support needs too. liminat e or aragrahs. hen aroriate infuse • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret spending for numerous—even overlapping—services from multiple vendors. gradients into the Cisco logo to create GRADIENTS WITH ICONS Save the time you would have spent reconciling the related bills each month. employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity otion or dnais. for better collaboration—and Add gradients into ictogras to happier customers •  highly secure richmedia create diension and energ or use e perience delivered across • aster response to customer needs, any or space GRADIENT IN BACKGROUNDS AND GRAPHICS gradients as backgrounds behind because employees can communi cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance hen balanced with white sace your netor from anyhere onochroatic hotorealistic icons. costs, at a price that fits a small © 2010 Cisco Systems­ Inc. €ll rights reserved. ‚age ƒ business budget, supported by the gradient backgrounds create deth and •  return on your technology most attractive financing options richness. …levate grahic eressions b investment as your business be comes more efficient and competitive integrating gradients within. €‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

7. Graphic Principles Activating the vertical bars within the Cisco logo brings a heightened grahic energ to the Cisco brand. hether ou ove cobine or integrate the fors ou can counicate a wide range of visuall dnaic —ualities. ‹oud or soft each eression is alicable across ever asect of the Cisco brand. €Š The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Œrahic …leents To give life to the eression of the GraPHIC 1: moVemenT GraPHIC 2: ComBIned GraPHIC 3: InTeGraTed Cisco brand we’ve created a series of grahic bars that subtl reference the bars that ake u the Cisco logo. These bars infused with color should be used verticall to suggest dnais energ uward oveent rogress and the flow of inforation. Cobined with iager and te the create a livel eression for the brand. There are three variations of this grahic device which can then be etended and evolved further. GRAPHIC ›œ MOVEMENT ­ignaling flow and eansion this sile grahic variation oves the bars in a vertical ath—a fun and dnaic interretation of inforation flowing through our network. GRAPHIC —œ COMBINED Cobining the bars together this laful variation signals connectivit collaboration and togetherness. Bold contrasting colors ake this variation energetic and engaging. GRAPHIC ˜œ INTEGRATED •using the bars together with an ebedded gradient ields et another distinctive eression that suggests convergence and consolidation. €„ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Œrahic …leents ‹ogo ¬eference ¥ove or Cobine ntegrate Žerived fro the Cisco logo this new grahic eression as hoage To create a sense of energ and deth scale the vertical length of each To convert the grahic eression into a single integrated shae to Cisco’s heritage. B sil activating the bars—oving and scaling the bar to etend or contract it. To add sace and balance ove the bars convert the shae into a single coound ath and fill with a gradient. bars verticall—ou can transfor the ark into a new dnaic for that aart. To add intensit and iact ultil overla and cobine bars. ’se this grahic for against white sace or infused within a gradient conves a strong sense of oveent energ and deth. Ÿowever ou eress it be sure to aintain a good sense of balance and background. Create additional deth b ultiling laers of Cisco bar contrast. f ou aintain e—ual thickness the tetural atterns are easier fors above. ¡ou a use a coound ath to ask an iage as well. to read as grahic eleents fro the Cisco logo. …erient as there are an otions. €† The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Œrahic 1 ¥ove ­cale and ‰verla ‚ariant ­ile and flat. This version of the grahic eression should alwas ƒla with scale. ith an grahic eression laing with scale will ’sing the sae fors and connecting the at each circular node aear flat in a vertical direction. Ÿowever it is ossible for it to travel change its ersonalit—enabling ou to cobine whis with boldness creates et another variation. B ivoting the fors like the hands along a threešdiensional lane. hile keeing the grahic itself flat and confidence. ‰verla fors and colors to create deth and contrast. of a clock ou can etend this grahic device into charts and oving it fro foreground to background on diensional lanes Balance bold colors with vivid highlights and neutral gras to kee the grahs. ’ni—ue to the Cisco brand this grahic eression offers introduces an additional range of creative otential. ’se the grahic eression engaging but not overowering. The densit of eleents endless ossibilities. eleents as oa—ue transarent or ied. a deend on our laout concet interaction between hotos te tetures and/or gradients. ˆ0 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Œrahic 2 Cobine ­cale and •ill …bed Cobine and contrast. hen cobining the fors together for this Ÿere again sil laing with scale is a owerful wa to transfor the ’sing the sae logic and eecution as scaling and filling ou can grahic variation a rich bold i of contrasting colors is essential. eression. ¯ooing into the grahic eonentiall ields a fresh new ebed the grahic as a attern into iconic shaes or tograh for ’se vibrant colors ied with gradients and lighter tones. Anchor look—where the focal oint becoes color and attern. The Cisco bars infinite variations of this grahic eression. hen doing this be sure the grahic with dee gras. ¡ou can use the full sectru of color are still evident but becoe a secondar eleent. At this scale cro to kee our color and treatent consistent so that each variation still here but se—uence contrasting color values in coleentar fashion and fill into different areas to create rich dnaic backgrounds. connects visuall with the Cisco brand. instead of creating an obvious rainbow. ˆ1 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Œrahic ‡ ntegrate ­cale and •ill …bed •or as icon. ¡ou can ebed a gradient or teture into the for in Ÿere again sil laing with scale is a owerful wa to transfor the ’sing the sae logic and eecution as scaling and filling ou can the sae wa ou incororate a grahic into a shae. This will fuse eression. ¯ooing into the grahic eonentiall ields a fresh new ebed the grahic as a attern into iconic shaes or tograh the for into an iconic ob¨ect ou can use on its own or i with look—where the focal oint becoes color and attern. The Cisco bars for infinite variations of this grahic eression. hen doing this siilar gradient backgrounds to create tetures or atterns. are still evident but becoe a secondar eleent. At this scale cro be sure to kee our color and treatent consistent so that each and fill into different areas to create rich dnaic backgrounds. variation still connects visuall with the Cisco brand. ˆ2 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Œrahics Cross ¥edia Alication Cisco Unified Wireless Network Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Simplifies Detection Brochure Cisco ”ifie€ Wireƒess ’etwork Cisco ”ifie€ Wireƒess ’etwork “or Cisco ”ifie€ Wireƒess ’etwork Smaƒƒ Cisco nified Wireless etwork Cisco nified Wireless etwork Busiess Cisco Spectrum ntelligence Solution Simplifies etection Brochure Cisco Small Cisco Spectrum ntelligence Solution Simplifies etection Brochure Coect –our Emƒoyees to Business Solutions. Suƒiers a€ Customers, a€ Technology you can trust. –our Busiess to the Worƒ€ When it comes to the technology that keeps your “or a smaƒƒ busiess ƒike yours to commuicate employees, suppliers, and customers securely effectieƒy with suƒiers a€ customers i to€ay’s connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- cometitie busiess eiromet, you ee€ rea€y tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. access to i…ormatio, u€ate€ i reaƒ time With the The portfolio offers a broad range of small business Make Decisions Fast, products that can enable you to get more done in Innovate Faster. ri ht soƒutio, your busiess ca coƒƒaborate more less time. ’ew Ways to Œhrie effectieƒy a€ robƒem-soƒe ƒike eer be…ore Œhe Cisco® Smart Busiess Commuicatios Cisco ”ifie€ Wireƒess ’etwork System ‡SBCSˆ is a aƒƒ-i-oe etworki a€ commuicatios soƒutio that wiƒƒ eabƒe you to €o ˜ust that ­€ it icƒu€es the eace o… mi€ that Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. Connect NoConnect Noww.. Cisco Capital Monthl comes with suort …rom the worƒ€wi€e ƒea€er i mroe busiess efficiecy usi WebEx ­u€io to coect u to ‚00 LLoorreemm iippssuumm ddoolloorr ssiitt aammeett,, ccoonnsseecctteettuurr aaddiippiisscciinngg eelliitt.. IInn atecard etworki a€ commuicatios atte€ees er meeti  Set u your sessio with easy-to-use hoe Clic here to download otios, icƒu€i ƒobaƒ caƒƒback serices „r kee your hoe ƒies vvoolluuttppaatt ooddiioo qquuiiss ddiiaamm mmaattttiiss ttrriissttiiqquuee aa vviittaaee eesstt.. PPeelllleenntteessqquuee nneeqquuee rriissuuss,, iiaaccuulliiss iidd ffeeuuggiiaatt iidd,, aaddiippiisscciinngg eeuu ffeelliiss.. MMaauurriiss …ree whiƒe you sae moey with ite rate€ Voice oer † ‡Vo†ˆ—…rom Cisco urbo Card Connect Your Employees to Cisco Small vviivveerrrraa ttiinncciidduunntt nniibbhh vveell ccoonnvvaalllliiss.. MMaaeecceennaass iinn tteelllluuss vveell sseemm ay comuter worƒ€wi€e Šeƒier au€io to thousa€s o… articiats i Clic here to download Business Solutions. iiaaccuulliiss ssooddaalleess.. PPhhaasseelllluuss ssiitt aammeett eelliitt aacc nnuullllaa vvaarriiuuss tteemmppuuss iidd Suppliers and Customers, and oe-to-may eets usi Cisco WebEx Eet Ceter with WebEx echnoloy you can trust. eeggeett rriissuuss.. NNuullllaa mmoolleessttiiee vvoolluuttppaatt lliigguullaa iinn ppuullvviinnaarr.. NNuullllaa Your Business to the World. ­u€io Broa€cast ‹et WebEx ­u€io serices …or a si ƒe mothƒy …ee re ou registered When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely egister now Keep your meetings private and productive. New Products and SolutionsNew Products and Solutions connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networkin and communica For a small business like yours to communicate ‹ai better cotroƒ oer your meeti s €eti…y which meeti atte€ee tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, is seaki with ­ctie Œaƒker i€icators Maa e caƒƒ actiity with ƒie Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur effectively with suppliers and customers in today’s Book a WebEx he portolio offers a broad rane o small business adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis muti , the abiƒity to a€€ atte€ees easiƒy, a€ more Šetermie who adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis with your SBMM competitive business environment, you need ready products that can enable you to et more done in atte€s a€ who €oes’t usi atte€ace cotroƒs, articiat ƒists, tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, less time. tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, access to inormation, updated in real time. With the a€ meeti ƒockouts iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris riht solution, your business can collaborate more Visit the Cisco effectively and problemsolve like never beore. Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur SMB website he Cisco® Smart Business Communications KEEP IT SIMPLE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Œrust WebEx ­u€io …or aƒƒ your au€io serices „ffer hosts a€ adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis System SBCS­ is an allinone networkin and adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis atte€ees a si ƒe oit o… etry to each web meeti  ’o more tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, communications solution that will enable you to tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, searate hoe caƒƒs to a€€ au€io „e iite, oe ƒo i Cout o iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris do €ust that. ‚nd it includes the peace o mind that ­oeties the silicit of the grahic iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris WebEx ­u€io to ha€ƒe aƒƒ your suort ee€s too Eƒimiate se€i comes with support rom the worldwide leader in …or umerous—ee oerƒai —serices …rom muƒtiƒe e€ors Sae networkin and communications. eression in itself is enough. ­ile Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur the time you wouƒ€ hae set recociƒi the reƒate€ biƒƒs each moth Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis adipiscing elit. In volutpat odio quis diam mattis Cisco Small tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque neque risus, fors of color and gradations create iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris Business Solutions. The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: echnoloy you can trust. • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity a sart and clean look and feel. New Products ut Now for better collaboration—and When it comes to the technoloy that keeps your happier customers •  highly secure richmedia employees, suppliers, and customers securely ewards and Promotions e perience delivered across • aster response to customer needs, any or space connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In because employees can communi Solutions provide the networkin and communica cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance tions technoloy you need, with the reliability, your netor from anyhere costs, at a price that fits a small volutpat odio quis diam mattis tristique a vitae est. Pellentesque © 1992-2009 Cisco Systems, c security and perormance you eƒpect rom Cisco. business budget, supported by the he portolio offers a broad rane o small business neque risus, iaculis id feugiat id, adipiscing eu felis. Mauris •  return on your technology most attractive financing options investment as your business be products that can enable you to et more done in comes more efficient and competitive INFUSING GRAPHICS less time. ¥i and overla grahics with color and hotograh to infuse and integrate eressions. ‰r use grahics as a backdro for content anels or te. INTEGRATING GRAPHICS To dial u eression bring color oveent and energ b integrating grahics into eb video collateral and ackaging. ˆ‡ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

8. Texture Principles Ÿigh touch is essential to build a highš tech brand. ntegrating tetures in static or otion grahics can create engaging eeriences that bring a richness to the surface. t’s an oortunit to blend art and technolog—cobining eleents of surrise and beaut with usabilit interface and the Cisco brand. ˆ€ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Tetures Teture …leents To infuse backgrounds hotos grahics and interfaces with energ and otion we’ve rovided the current alette of tetures. ’se these eleents in backgrounds ebedded as art of our artwork or infused in hotograhs video or otion grahics to ake our counication even ore active and to lend a tactile —ualit to our work. The current alette of tetures is designed to evolve˜ over tie we’ll be adding ore backgrounds to our librar of tetures. STILL A series of different tetures is sulied for use in both still and otion. •or still each alette will feature ultile cro otions and various color was to give ou the fleibilit to create uni—ue solutions for a range of alications. MOTION ith otion each teture will be sulied with a secific range of aniations and color was. ˆˆ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Tetures Teture Alication Background …bed nfuse Cisco Small Cisco Small Business Solutions. Business Solutions. Technology you can trust. Cisco Small Technology you can trust. Business Solutions. When it comes to the technology that keeps your When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, employees, suppliers, and customers securely Cisco Small Business Solutions. suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Technology you can trust. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- Solutions provide the networking and communica- Technology you can trust. tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and tions technology you need, with the reliability, performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad When it comes to the technology that keeps your security and performance you epect from Cisco. When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, range of small business products that can enable you to get more employees, suppliers, and customers securely The portfolio offers a broad range of small business done in less time. connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business products that can enable you to get more done in suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Solutions provide the networking and communica- less time. Small Business Solutions provide the networking and communica- tions technology you need, with the reliability, tions technology you need, with the reliability, security and security and performance you epect from Cisco. performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad The portfolio offers a broad range of small business range of small business products that can enable you to get more products that can enable you to get more done in done in less time. less time. Connect your employees to suppliers and customer, and your business to the world. When it comes to the technology When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely suppliers, and customers securely connected, connected, Cisco Small Connect your employees to suppliers and it has to work. Cisco Small Business it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking Solutions provide the networking customer, and your business to the world. and communications technology you and communications technology you need, with the reliability, security and need, with the reliability, security and performance you epect from Cisco. performance you epect from Cisco. Business Solutions. When it comes to the technologyWhen it comes to the technologyThe portfolio offers a broad range of The portfolio offers a broad range of that keeps your employees, that keeps your employees, Tetures are bold and dnaic. ’sed as a creative backdro for te ­iilar to ebedding grahics and gradients ebedding teture into ncororating a teture into hotograh will heighten its eotional suppliers, and customers securely suppliers, and customers securely connected,connected, Cisco Small Technology you it has to work. Cisco Small Business it has to work. Cisco Small Business grahics or roducts tetures effectivel create ood oveent te iconic shaes or grahic fors offers an etended range of creative ower. Creative and energetic a rich oveent of tetural color Solutions provide the networkingSolutions provide the networking and communications technology you and communications technology you need, with the reliability, security and need, with the reliability, security and can trust. performance you epect from Cisco. performance you epect from Cisco. Business Solutions. The portfolio offers a broad range of The portfolio offers a broad range of and atoshere. Tetures can be used to accentuate focal oints— otential. …bedded tetures enhance te and for with deth and infused into a hoto rovides a sense of fluidit and sealess integration. elevating secific content while causing others to recede. To kee oveent in both still and otion alications. •or best results al tetures to hotograhs that are coleentar Technology you grahics balanced and air tr not to i too an eleents together. in color tone and coosition. can trust. hen it coes to tetures less is ore. ˆ‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand expressions Tetures Cross ¥edia Alication nnual eport  With Cisco Unified Communications, you can talk to customers and access information anywhere in the workplace, enabling you nnual eport  to get more accomplished each and every day. Cisco Small With Cisco Unified Communications, you can talk to customers Business Solutions. and access information anywhere in the workplace, enabling youu New Ways to Thrive EMBEDDING TEXTURE Technology you can trust. Now is the time to to get more accomplished each and every day. work together, solve problems together, and bring the world a little closer. When it comes to the technology that keeps your Cisco Unified …bedding tetures enhance te and Together. employees, suppliers, and customers securely Wireless Network That’s the human connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business network effect. for with deth and oveent in both Solutions provide the networking and communications technology you need, with the reliability, security and performance you expect still and otion alications. from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business products that can enable you to get more done in less time. S N „ Cisco Unified I T Cisco Small ‚U „ S S S Business Solutions. ƒ N I Wireless Network S U B Technology you can trust. ‚ ‚ € ­ Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Simplifies Detection Brochure S When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees suppliers and customers securely connected it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions proide the networking and commun ications technology you need with the reliaility security and perormance you epect rom Cisco. The portolio offers a road range o small usiness products that can enale you to get more done. Cisco Small Business Solutions. S­€‚‚ BUSINƒSS S„‚UTI„NS Technology you can trust. Connect …our ƒmployees to Suppliers and Customers and …our Business to the World. When it comes to the technology that keeps your employees, suppliers, and customers securely The Cisco SBCS delivers benefits such as: connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business • Improved communication among • uic adaptation to maret employees, customers, and vendors changes and increased productivity Solutions provide the networking and for better collaboration—and happier customers •  highly secure richmedia e perience delivered across communications technology you need, with the • aster response to customer needs, any or space because employees can communi cate ith each other and access • €oer operational and maintenance reliability, security and performance you expect your netor from anyhere costs, at a price that fits a small business budget, supported by the •  return on your technology most attractive financing options from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of investment as your business be comes more efficient and competitive small business products that can enable you to get more done in less time. New Ways to Thrive Now is the time to work together, solve problems together, TEXTURE BACKGROUND and bring the world a ’se teture as creative backdros little closer. Cisco Unified for te grahics or roducts to Together. dnaicall create ood oveent Wireless Network and atoshere. That’s the human network effect. INFUSING TEXTURE nfuse i and overla tetures within hotograh to enhance with color and heighten its eotional ower. ˆŠ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

9. Imagery Principles A icture is worth a thousand words. ­till or otion Cisco iager should deict real eole in real situations in real environents. ¢ever contrived trite or clichéd Cisco iager ebodies a hoto¨ournalistic ee to cature ure oents in the lives of eole and their interactions with one another. ˆ„ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand Imagery ager ‹ifestle At Cisco we shoot our own hotograh and aintain an etensive iage librar. ­o no atter what te of iage ou need whether it’s lifestle ortraiture roduct beaut shot environental or technolog interaction ou should be able to find the visual assets ou are looking for. e elo different caeras lighting and lenses to etend our range and kee iager fresh huan and inviting. Throughout our ai is to conve a hoto¨ournalistic aroach create a true sense of lace and deict realšlife interaction between eole and technolog. STILL ž MOTION To etend our brand identit into still hotograh video and otion grahics consistenc is ke. B aintaining the sae aroach to color lighting ood and realistic sub¨ect atter we can suort the Cisco brand and create an iediatel recogni›able look for Cisco lifestle iager. ˆ† The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand Imagery ager …nvironent ­tand back to show scale. …nvironental iager for Cisco should share the sae —ualities of lifestle iager onl oened u to cature a larger sense of lace. ¢o atter what ou are shooting—a street scene bursting with otion a citscae full of eole or a serene shot of eole in a landscae never lose sight of the Cisco roise“ we bring eole together b reoving the barriers to counication. STILL ž MOTION To effectivel counicate the Cisco brand using iager with environent it is iortant to aintain a consistent aroach to lighting color sub¨ect coosition and ood. hen shooting iager with environent a strong focal oint within a landscae can rovide contet and a oint of view. ‘0 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Brand Imagery ager ƒroduct ¥ake the roduct the hero. ­hoot tight and cro close to increase a sense of draa. ’se lighting to accentuate diension and detail shadows and highlights. ƒroduct hotograh should alwas be clear and engaging while ehasi›ing the high —ualit of Cisco roducts. STILL ž MOTION ƒroduct iager should conve a reiu look with dnaic vivid contrast and sharness in the details. To aintain the consistenc of the Cisco brand in roduct iager lighting should be brilliant and defining focus should be shar and cris and fraing should be tight to isolate ke details. •or best results shoot roduct iager with a redoinant onochroe cast. This allows aiu freedo to infuse iager with color and grahics later. ‘1 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

­ection ‡“ Žesign Alication The Cisco Brand

design application ­o how do ou al these brand eleents in the real world of Cisco counications” •irst know our audience. ­econd sta fleible. Third be insired. The following eales deonstrate the fleibilit of how the Cisco Brand dentit ­ste can accoodate draatic shifts in tone while still aintaining brand consistenc within the coan and across ever consuer touchoint. ‘‡ The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication ’sing the Cisco Brand dentit ­ste Build consistency Templates vs. customization Calm vs. dynamic hen it coes to develoing a brand To hel ensure consistent counication The Cisco Brand dentit ­ste is voice for Cisco consistenc is ke. That of the Cisco brand we’ve designed a designed to suort a range of creative doesn’t ean everthing has to look the corehensive sste of telates. eression fro the cal to the dnaic. sae. ’sing the brand identit sste in These are built fro the ground u to As the following eales show ou a consistent anner will build credibilit ensure our aiu creative fleibilit can now infuse an resentation with for the brand seed recognition while still sharing the essential design recisel the right tone to suort the right differentiate us fro the coetition eleents that define the new Cisco Brand arketing essage for our audience. and ultiatel insire trust in our brand dentit ­ste. ¥edia telates include ¢o atter what eression ou choose— essage. As ou evolve the design rint video eb ages resentations fro cal to dnaic fro onochroe eleents of current design sstes and ore. ¡ou can use the “as is” or to rainbowšhued—our counications reeber that one of the cornerstones odif the to suit our needs. e’ve will be suorted b a foundation built on of a eorable brand eerience is our rovided a wide range of color alettes design integrit and —ualit. continued consistent eression of that can be custoi›ed to enhance an that brand. edia resentation. ‘€ The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication ƒresentations Cal Žnaic  Ta o­€ t‚ƒ E„o­ƒt  Ta o­€ t‚ƒ E„o­ƒt Net Sales Net Income Net Sales Net Income NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) Bƒttƒ accƒ to  o­ato Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Bƒttƒ accƒ to  o­ato Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur 39.5 39.5 a… co­­†cato 39.5suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem 39.5 a… co­­†cato suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. 34.9 34.9 oer reenouse as emissions 34.9 34.9 28.5 28.5 28.5 FIGURE 2 28.5 oer reenouse as emissions FIGURE 2 24.8 24.8 Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur 24.8 24.8 22.0 22.0 suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem 22.0 22.0 Optimi ed public transit and traffic flo esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. Optimi ed public transit and traffic flo esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Sustainable livin and orin Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Sustainable livin and orin Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Economic rot Economic rot FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Improved real estate use and uman Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Improved real estate use and uman Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem eperience eperience suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 Net Sales Net Income FIGURE 1 Infrastructure FIGURE 1 Net Sales Net Income Infrastructure Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) Allocato NET SALES (DOLLARS IN BILLIONS) Allocato suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem I at†ct†ƒ suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. ‡ˆ I„ƒt­ƒt esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. ‡ˆ I at†ct†ƒ 39.5 39.5 39.5 39.5 I„ƒt­ƒt 34.9 34.9 FIGURE 1 34.9 34.9 FIGURE 1 28.5 28.5 Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem 28.5 28.5 suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem 24.8 24.8 esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. 22.0 22.0 22.0 24.8 22.0 24.8 2ˆ A‰‰lcato 2ˆ A‰‰lcato FIGURE 1 I at†ct†ƒ I„ƒt­ƒt FIGURE 1 I„ƒt­ƒt Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur ‹2ˆ Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur I at†ct†ƒ ‹2ˆ suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem Šatƒacƒ Šatƒacƒ suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FIGURE 1 0ˆ A‰‰lcato FIGURE 1 A‰‰lcato FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FISCAL YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0ˆ Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Šatƒacƒ Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Šatƒacƒ suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur Eque porroviderum quo optatem. Itatur aut aut faccatatur June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem suntiberio. Optatur sequi coriati officabo. Equisin eceatem esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. esti beatemp eritatest, que peritiur sim rernamusam. June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 hen inforation is the hero kee it clean and sile. ’se gradients within te To heighten creative atoshere use dnaic gradient tetures rich with color analogous colors within charts and grahs or gradient washes as backdro. ’se to add energ and oveent. ntegrate gradients into charts and grahs to ake one color alette to kee consistenc. static ob¨ects look ore active. ‘ˆ The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication eb / ’ser …erience Cal Žnaic hen dialing u or down the eotive energ of the ebsite the hero area can To ehasi›e a ore energetic Cisco eerience dial u the hero area with sa it all. ’se cal iager and a ore liited color alette to ehasi›e active iager aniated grahics and vibrant color to instill ore eciteent inforation over eression. and ersonalit. ‘‘ The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication Žata ­heet Cal Žnaic †ptimi“e meetings using integrated Cisco WebEx Audio. chedule easily Business Challenge Cisco e Audio Success Story Cisco Small Business Cisco WebEx Audio and €oin from computer or phone. ‹ata Sheet Product Sheet Success Data Sheet Cisco e Audio ‰ata heet Story Highlights Create a fuller, more productive meeting experience Simplified Service using Cisco WebEx™ Audio with your Cisco WebEx •se €ust one convenient provider for all your integrated audio and solutions. Tae advantage of choices that include o, web meetings. traditional phone conference, and audio broadcast— Audio Control and Management mprove meeting productivity all in a flexible pacage. elect an audio option for using easy audio settings and management tools. each session, according to your re­uirements and International Service budget. treamline your meeting and billing Highlights Œeet with attendees—by Optimize meetings using integrated phone or computer—in more processes by using €ust one vendor. Simplified Service than –„„ countries. •se just one conenient proider Cisco WebEx Audio. Schedule easily and Audio Access Safeguards for all your integrated audio and ecure integrated audio meetings Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. eb meetings. join from computer or phone. by controlling attendance. mprove business efficiency using WebEx Audio to connect up to ƒ„„ attendees Audio Control and Management Customized Service per meeting. et up your session with easy…to…use phone options, including ­mproe meeting productiity Create a fuller more productie meeting experience using Cisco WebEx™ Audio ‹et a flexible pacage and your global callbac services. †r eep your phone lines free while you save money with using easy audio settings and ith your Cisco WebEx solutions. ae adantage of choices that include o­€ choice of integrated audio options integrated oice over  ‡oˆ—from any computer worldwide. ‰eliver audio to management tools. traditional phone conference and audio broadcast—all in a flexible pacage. Select for each session. thousands of participants in one…to…many events using Cisco WebEx Event Center International Service an audio option for each session according to your re„uirements and budget. Compatile ith with WebEx Audio Šroadcast. ‹et WebEx Audio services for a single monthly fee. Žeet ith attendees—by Streamline your meeting and billing processes by using just one endor. Privacy laws and Privacy Laws and Reactions „urisdiction worldwide. mportantly, the Privacy laws and Privacy Laws and Reactions …urisdiction worldwide. mportantly, the • Cisco WebEx Œeeting Center phone or computer—in more U regulations are implemented by U regulations are implemented by • Cisco WebEx Evvent Center Keep your meetings private and productive. than ”‡‡ countries. Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. regulations continue to Privacy laws in the United States and each individual member state, which regulations continue to Privacy laws in the United States and each individual member state, which • Cisco WebEx Training Center ‹ain better control over your meetings. dentify which meeting attendee is speaing Audio Access Safeguards ­mproe business efficiency using WebEx Audio to connect up to †‡‡ attendees react to the marketplace, across the globe are inconsistent and has lead to different interpretations react to the marketplace, across the globe are inconsistent and has lead to different interpretations • Cisco WebEx upport Center with Active Taler indicators. Œanage call activity with line muting, the ability to Secure integrated audio meetings per meeting. Set up your session ith easyˆtoˆuse phone options including continue to evolve. n contrast to the and governing regulations. Privacy continue to evolve. n contrast to the and governing regulations. Privacy add attendees easily, and more. ‰etermine who attends and who doesn’t using by controlling attendance. with new technologies uropean Union, in the United States with new technologies uropean Union, in the United States laws and regulations continue to Customized Service global callbac serices. Or eep your phone lines free hile you sae money ith laws and regulations continue to there is no overarching privacy law in attendance controls, participant lists, and meeting locouts. Œet a flexible pacage and your integrated oice oer ­€ ‰ o­€Š—from any computer orldide. ‹elier audio to and processes leading to there is no overarching privacy law in react to the marketplace, with new and processes leading to react to the marketplace, with new choice of integrated audio options thousands of participants in oneˆtoˆmany eents using Cisco WebEx Eent Center place. nstead, the United States takes technologies and processes leading more stringent regulation. place. nstead, the United States takes technologies and processes leading Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. for each session. ith WebEx Audio Broadcast. Œet WebEx Audio serices for a single monthly fee. more stringent regulation. a more laissefaire approach that a more laissefaire approach that to more stringent regulation. For Trust WebEx Audio for all your audio services. †ffer hosts and attendees a single For instance, the recent targets specific sectors, relying on a to more stringent regulation. For For instance, the recent targets specific sectors, relying on a instance, the recent emergence of point of entry to each web meeting. ’o more separate phone calls to add audio. Compatile ith Keep your meetings private and productive. instance, the recent emergence of combination of legislation, regulation, †ne invite, one login. Count on WebEx Audio to handle all your support needs too. • Cisco WebEx Žeeting Center emergence of behavioral combination of legislation, regulation, behavioral targeting has raised the ire emergence of behavioral and selfregulation. For e ample, U.S. behavioral targeting has raised the ire • Cisco WebEx Eent Center Œain better control oer your meetings. ­dentify hich meeting attendee is speaing and selfregulation. For eample, U.S. of privacy regulators. Service providers of privacy regulators. Service providers Eliminate spending for numerous—even overlapping—services from multiple vendors. • Cisco WebEx raining Center ith Actie aler indicators. Žanage call actiity ith line muting the ability to targeting has raised the laws are in place to address medical targeting has raised the laws are in place to address medical along with two companies, Phorm in ave the time you would have spent reconciling the related bills each month. add attendees easily and more. ‹etermine ho attends and ho doesn’t using privacy, financial institution privacy and along with two companies, Phorm in privacy, financial institution privacy and the UK, and ebuad, in the US, have • Cisco WebEx Support Center ire of privacy regulators. the UK, and Nebuad, in the US, have ire of privacy regulators. children­s privacy. attendance controls participant lists and meeting locouts. children s privacy. recently found themselves embroiled recently found themselves embroiled Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. Service providers along with two ­he U has a comprehensive law€ in controversy over plans to target Service providers along with two €he U has a comprehensive law‚ in controversy over plans to target rust WebEx Audio for all your audio serices. Offer hosts and attendees a single companies, Phorm in the UK, and reflecting the U s philosophy that customers with advertisements based companies, Phorm in the UK, and reflecting the U­s philosophy that customers with advertisements based point of entry to each eb meeting. “o more separate phone calls to add audio. Nebuad, in the US, have recently found while data processing is beneficial, on their prior web surfing behaviors.† ebuad, in the US, have recently found while data processing is beneficial, on their prior web surfing behaviors.‡ One inite one login. Count on WebEx Audio to handle all your support needs too. themselves embroiled in controversy an individual s fundamental privacy ‡ ˆoth companies planned to install themselves embroiled in controversy an individual­s fundamental privacy ˆ ‰oth companies planned to install Eliminate spending for numerous—een oerlapping—serices from multiple endors. over plans to target customers with rights must be protected. ƒany deep packet inspection e‰uipment over plans to target customers with rights must be protected. „any deep packet inspection eŠuipment Sae the time you ould hae spent reconciling the related bills each month. advertisements based on their prior consider the U to have the most on SP networks that would monitor advertisements based on their prior consider the U to have the most on SP networks that would monitor web surfing behaviors. restrictive privacy laws of any subscribers online activities, build web surfing behaviors. restrictive privacy laws of any subscribers­ online activities, build ” Cisco ystems, nc. ” Cisco Systems ­nc. Š ‹isco Systems, nc. ‚ ‹isco Systems, nc. ith data sheets and inforational content sil laing with color can add To add ore eression into content ages add lifestle or roduct iager significant grahic iact. ntegrate gradients into tograh or tetures within to astheads. ntegrate iager with color tograh and grahics to dial astheads to add iact to content. u branded eression. ‚ar the telate grid to change hierarch between eression and content. ‘Š The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication Brochure Cal Žnaic Clean sile design doesn’t ean design with a reduced color alette. ’sing the sae color alette with the ratio of color to white sace reversed Balanced against white a single grahic for full of color can tell a stor instantl creates a ore active design stateent. n this case the white that is bold confident and witt. asthead balances the highšiact hotograhic energ. ‘„ The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication ƒackaging Cal Žnaic Balancing soft tetures with shar hardšlined roduct hotograh creates a strong Cisco’s grahic and teture eressions ronounced with rich color and contrast contrast that is siultaneousl dnaic and cal. ¡ou can achieve the sae effect often ield dnaic design results. Œrahic eressions can effectivel be used b airing teture with tograh to create this dualit of cal and dnaic. to aniate roduct hotograh with a sense of oveent—aking ackaging ore active and energetic. ‘† The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication ‚ideo Cal Žnaic •ollowing the sae cues as all other collateral designing with a concentrated color ith video the ossibilities are endless. ¥otion aniation livešaction and alette can build consistenc and a softer sensibilit. ith video less can definitel sound contribute to a colete eerience that is full of eciteent and energ. be ore. ­lower ans fades and subtle aniations lend theselves to a ore ƒerhas ore effective than an other ediu video can trul bring Cisco’s sohisticated eression. identit sste to life. Š0 The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication Tradeshow Cal Žnaic hen designing an environent color can change everthing. ‰n a large scale ‰n a large scale gradient tetures create color shifts that can instantl activate sile banners of rich color enliven a sace and build ood. ’se color and lighting a sace. ’se draatic lighting to create an even ore dnaic eerience. Ÿere to effectivel create eerience and resence. Add grahic eressions as accents as well including grahic eressions as accents can create a richer eerience. to create a richer eerience. Š1 The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

design application Alication …nvironental Cal Žnaic …nvironental grahics ust have stoing ower to be effective. A cal ­treet scenes in urban environents are crowded and chaotic. To be heard sile aroach can isolate our essage and ake it stand out in a bus above the din soeties ou have to shout. ¡ou can dial u the volue of street scene. our essaging using color grahics and draatic hotograh. Š2 The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

­ection €“ Brand ­uort The Cisco Brand

Brand resources Brand ­uort Asset Žirector and Contact ¢eed assets or telates” Œo to Š€ The Cisco Brand / Brand ­uort

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