Client Engagement Our ESRM team is collaborating with our Sustainability a nd Co rporate T ransitions team to engage with clients working to transition t oward m ore su stainable s trat - egies and business models. This provides opportunities f or i n-depth d iscussions o f specific s ustainability t opics, i dentifies w ays of p roactively m itigating e nvironmental a nd social r isks, a nd su pports o ur c lients i n t heir efforts to align with international standards and b enchmarks. F or e xample, du ring an engagement with mining clients in 2021, our ESRM team provided insight and analysis related t o t he su stainable fi nance m arket and the challenges and opportunities for mining companies related to environmental and social risk. The breadth and depth of our ESRM team’s knowledge in these areas is a valuable tool to help us assess new trans - actions and to guide and advise our clients as w e w ork t oward a chieving o ur net zero commitment . For more information about the work Citi is doing to help clients transi - tion t o a l ow-carbon fu ture, s ee t he Financing the L ow-Carbon T ransition s ection . Industry Collaboration We participate in many environmentally and socially focused initiatives and orga - nizations, such as the Equator P rinciples Association and the Roundtable o n Sustainable Palm Oil . Citi is also a member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure s (TNFD) Forum. We participated in an informal working group prior to the official launch of the Taskforce to develop the TNFD’s workplan for creating a comple - mentary framework to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, but with a focus on reporting nature-related risks rather than climate-related risks. Climate and biodiversity are intercon - nected, and there are increasing concerns that climate change, along with other human activity, has stressed natural systems and contributed to ongoing extinction ev ents. 1 Through our collabora - tion with TNFD, we are able to contribute to important nature-related reporting standards and continue to refine our understanding of the complex interaction of climate and biodiversity and our connection with those impacts through our financial relationships with our clients. ESRM Training Each y ear, w e t rain k ey r isk a nd b anking personnel on our ESRM Policy to help them identify t riggers f or en gagement w ith our ESRM specialist team. Topics include environmental and social risks relevant to c ertain r egions a nd se ctors, im plemen - tation of the Equator Principles and Citi’s Sector A pproaches, a s w ell a s s pecific topics su ch a s h uman r ights, b iodiversity and e merging c limate r isk a nalysis. D ue t o increased f ocus f rom k ey s takeholders in ESG i ssues, m ore b ankers a cross o ur fi rm are r eceiving E SRM t raining, w hich e nables them to spot potential risks and engage with our ESRM team more effectively. In total, 950 Citi employees underwent ESRM training d uring 2 021, s ignificantly m ore t han in 2 020. A ll t raining i n 2 021 w as c onducted on live webinars for employees globally. 1. See Anthony D. Barnosky et al., Has the Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction ... , 471 NATURE 51, 51 (2011); Gerardo Ceballos et al., Vertebrates on the Brink ... , 117 (24) PNAS 13596 (2020); Belinda Reyers & Elizabeth R. Selig, Global Targets that Reveal ... , 4 NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 1011 (2020). Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 118
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