We believe that setting ambitious goals helps to drive innovation and accelerate progress. Reaching $1 trillion will require the development of innovative financing solutions. We will continue to focus on helping clients across all sectors, no matter where t hey a re i n t heir o wn s ustainability journeys, t o s upport t heir s trategic g oals and enable the development and integra - tion of sustainable business practices. Over recent years, we have seen the development of financial products that were relatively new, or even nonexistent, when we set our very first $50 billion climate finance goal in 2007. Thematic bonds, s ustainable s upply c hain fi nance a nd sustainability-linked b onds a nd l oans t hat are tied to ESG performance are contribut - ing to sustainable finance, and we expect to see further innovations in the coming years. Tracking Progress Each t ransaction w e fi nance or f acilitate must meet at least one of eight criteria for environmental finance or one of seven criteria for social finance to be counted toward t he o verall $ 1 t rillion c ommitment. These c riteria w ere i nformed b y e xternal standards a nd m ay t herefore b e su bject t o changes a s i ndustry g uidelines a re fu rther developed. Credit f or e ach e ligible t ransaction i s counted only once toward the $1 trillion commitment, e ven i f t he t ransaction m eets multiple criteria. Transactions that meet both en vironmental a nd s ocial c riteria are e venly s plit b etween t he $ 500 B illion Environmental Finance Goal and the $500 Billion Social Finance Goal — without double counting. B ecause o f t he i nterconnected nature o f su stainable fi nance, w e a re already se eing a n in creasing nu mber o f transactions with both environmental and social b enefits. We track our sustainable finance activities using third-party financial league table credit, where applicable. The industry league tables track public financial activ - ities and rank financial institutions based on their role (i.e. lead arranger, bookrun - ner, etc.) in each transaction. For financial products for which there are no league tables, we count the amount that reflects Citi’s financial involvement in the deal. Beyond c ounting t he fi nancial c redit, w e also c alculate t he e stimated e nvironmental and social impacts associated with a subset o f a ctivities w here f easible, su ch as a voided g reenhouse gas e missions, renewable e nergy c apacity a dded, j obs supported a nd p eople i mpacted. W e t ake a c onservative a pproach t o t he e stimation of impacts from the activities we finance and facilitate — including only deal activity for which reasonable methodologies and d ata s ources ar e a vailable, an d excluding d eals f or w hich w e h ave l imited transparency a nd d etails. W e e stimate that s ince 2 020, a pproximately 3 .9 m illion metric tons (mt) of greenhouse gas emissions h ave b een a voided a s a r esult o f our r enewable e nergy, g reen a ffordable housing an d e nergy e fficiency fin ancing activities. A dditionally, w e e stimate that o ur fi nancing a ctivities su pported approximately 1 .8 m illion j obs, a ffected 26 m illion p eople g lobally a nd c ontributed to a pproximately $ 9.5 b illion i n U .S. G DP. We c onsider i mpact m easurement a n a rea of o ngoing e ducation a nd i mprovement, and we will continue to challenge ourselves in t his a rea. Sustainable Finance in Action The global market for sustainable finance has been growing rapidly over the last few years in response to the climate emergency and COVID-19. Investors and companies alike recognize the pivotal role that the financial services sector will play in facilitating a socially responsible economic recovery that also accelerates the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. The volume of sustainable debt issuances, for example, broke records in 2021, surpassing $1.6 trillion — more than double the $762 billion of sustainable 1. Bloomberg NEF (BNEF), 1H 2022 Sustainable Finance Market Outlook . 2. https://www.refinitiv.com/perspectives/market-insights/sustainable-finance-continues-surge-in-2021/ . Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 22
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