Using Our Corporate Voice to Drive Change At Citi, we believe we can use our power as a global bank to effect social change, and we continue to take a stand on a wide range of issues, such as racial and pay equity, immigration, gun violence and climate change. We also believe it’s important to speak up and speak out on issues that impact our colleagues. For e xample, i n t he U nited S tates i n 2 021, there w as a n a larming r ise i n b ills p roposed at t he s tate l evel t hat w ould s ingle o ut LGBTQ+ i ndividuals f or e xclusion o r di ffer - ential t reatment. L egislation p romoting discrimination c ould n egatively im pact o ur colleagues a nd t heir f amilies, a s w ell a s o ur clients, c ustomers a nd o ur b usiness. I n M ay, Citi s igned t he Human R ights C ampaign’s Business S tatement O pposing An ti-LGBTQ+ State L egislation , r eiterating o ur b elief that a ll p eople h ave a fu ndamental r ight to e quality a nd o ur o pposition t o h armful legislation a imed a t r estricting t he a ccess of LGBTQ+ people in society. Citi has a long history of outspoken advo - cacy for the LGBTQ+ community. In 2020, Citi became the first major bank to provide transgender and nonbinary customers with the ability to have account profiles and credit cards that match their chosen first name. Since the initial launch, more than 18,000 consumers have updated their Citi U.S. branded credit cards with their chosen name. Learn more in the Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly s ection. When members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community endured rising instances of violence in response to the pandemic, our Executive Management Team condemned the xeno - phobia while voicing support for our AAPI colleagues and the broader community. We also held internal listening sessions and hosted community forums to show our support for our employees. Watch a public service message we produced. We hosted a “Hollaback Bystander Intervention” training, which is designed to provide colleagues with practical tactics on how to intervene in a safe way if they witness an incident in public. In 2021, we hosted three sessions, and more than 500 colleagues joined the training. We plan to host addi - tional sessions in 2022. We also expanded our partnership with Ascend, a non-profit organization focused on professional development of the AAPI community, and sponsored the Ascend National Convention week, which more than 200 colleagues attended. Furthermore, Citi was one of many U.S. businesses that condemned efforts in 2021 to restrict voting access in the state of Georgia. We opposed voting restriction laws because we believed it would “under - mine the ability of Americans to avail themselves of this fundamental right.” For 17 consecutive years, Citi has received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, a national survey that benchmarks corporate policies and practices for LGBTQ+ workplace quality. MARKING HOLIDAYS OF SIGNIFICANCE Starting in 2022, we have a new paid holiday for U.S. employees: Juneteenth Day, a federal holiday that marks the end of slavery. We also had the opportunity to be more inclusive and acknowledge Indigenous Peoples Day in addition to Columbus Day. In 2020, Citi implemented one additional floating holiday called Heritage Day, which employees can take at any time to honor a day of personal signficance. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 97
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