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Financing the Low-Carbon Transition One of the core elements of our Sustainable Progress Strategy is our commitment to finance and facilitate activities that accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. We doubled our previous commitment of $250 billion by 2025 and set an ambitious $1 trillion sustainable finance commitment by 2030 — half for environmental finance and half for social finance. But it’s not just about financing and facilitating transactions. Working collabo - ratively with our clients in decarbonizing and helping them in their transitions is a central focus of our net zero plan . We believe systemic collaboration is essential for the global economy to reach net zero emissions. We are already engaging with numerous clients with respect to their climate exposure profile. We intend to deepen our engagement with them to understand their transition plans in greater detail as those plans evolve and help them in their strategies to realize opportunities inherent in transitioning to a low-carbon world. Transforming Our Business to Support a Low-Carbon Economy Climate change has become a C-suite issue for clients in all sectors of the global economy, in terms of growth opportunities and risk management, and ESG consider - ations a re i ncreasingly p art o f o ur b usiness conversations. To support client needs, we have expanded our client engagement offerings across our business to offer strategic sustainability and ESG services and so lutions. Our business groups are focused on helping clients in all sectors, no matter where they are in their own sustainability journeys. We offer customized products and services to support clients in their transition to more sustainable business models and practices that will advance progress toward a low-carbon future. Within Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory (BCMA) , sustainability and ESG is being integrated into our businesses and client engagements. We engage with C-suite executives, boards of directors and treasury teams on strategic financing using a sustainability lens, providing insights about industry transformations, trends and sustainability risks and opportunities. In early 2021, we created the Natural Resources & Clean Energy Transition (NRCET) team to drive client engagement efforts in the Energy, Power and Chemicals sectors. This team unites seasoned corpo - rate and investment bankers with deep knowledge of these sectors under a single umbrella to assist our clients with the net Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent& DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 33

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