Strategic Philanthropy Through strategic grant-making efforts, the Citi Foundation promotes economic progress in low-income communities around the world, focusing in particular on programs that increase financial inclusion, catalyze job opportunities for youth, and reimagine approaches to building economically vibrant communities. The Citi Foundation’s “More than Philanthropy” approach leverages the expertise of Citi and its people to fulfill our mission and drive thought leadership and innovation. Pathways to Progress, one of Citi and the Citi Foundation’s flagship initiatives, aims to equip young people — particularly those from underserved communities — with the skills and networks they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing economy. Between the program’s launch in 2014 and the end of 2021, the Citi Foundation invested more than $275 million in work - force preparation globally. Through the Pathways to Progress initia - tive, Citi and the Citi Foundation support SDG target 8.6 , which aims to substan - tially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training . SDG Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Pathways to Progress Europe, Middle East and Africa PARTNER: PresenTense PROGRAM: Hamakpetza GEOGRAPHY: Israel Through the Ha makpetza program, Citi Foundation and PresenTense support young members of the LGBTQ+ community in partnership with the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance. This first-of-its-kind entrepreneurship program provides participants with guidance and mentorship from leading business experts and exposure to successful global and local tech companies, connecting them with the resources they need to develop their entrepreneurial ventures. Asia Pacific PARTNER: Philippine Business for Education PROGRAM: First Future 2.0 Program GEOGRAPHY: Philippines The First Future 2.0 P rogram aims to train entry- level employees, particularly those with a K-12 diploma, to progress in the workplace and land meaningful jobs in the areas of information technology, business process outsourcing, finance and retail. Last year, in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority and University of the Philippines – Open University, the program helped more than 1,000 youth develop their professional skill sets through leadership and management courses, as well as technical trainings to improve customer service skills. North America PARTNER: Rise Asset Development PROGRAM: EnterpRISEing Youth+ GEOGRAPHY: Canada In Canada, Citi Foun dation works with Rise Asset Development to support young people experiencing mental health and other challenges, offering them opportunities to explore jobs and careers outside of the traditional corporate sector. Through the EnterpRISEing Youth+ program, Canadian youth can access a flexible online learning platform with virtual business coaching and peer support, helping them to develop their entrepreneurial skills and improve their professional, personal and financial well-being. With over 60% of participants being young people of color, the program aims to help empower the next generation of diverse entrepreneurs in Canada. Latin America and the Caribbean PARTNER: Organization of American States PROGRAM: Creating a Career Path in Cyber Security GEOGRAPHY: Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Peru Through the Creating a Career Path in Cy ber Security initiative, the Citi Foundation and the Organization of American States are preparing youth in Latin America for in-demand, high-paying jobs in the technology sector. In 2021, the partnership empowered more than 200 youth across the region, providing them with the training needed to be certified as cybersecurity experts and connecting them to job opportunities. In addition to training, select students are able to complete an apprenticeship program with the Computer Security Incident Response Team Americas. Program participants have gone on to create their own technology consulting businesses or find positions with government agencies. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 78
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