Our bipartisan Government Affairs team and the Citi PAC Board will consider whether contributions meet the strength - ened criteria going forward. Safeguarding Data and Protecting Customer Information As d igital s olutions e xpand a nd b ecome more i ntegrated i nto o ur d aily l ives, w e see i ncreasing c oncerns r elated t o p rivacy and s ecurity b reaches. D ata s ecurity a nd customer p rivacy a re t op p riorities f or C iti and f or o ur s takeholders. T he C OVID-19 pandemic has led to an even greater reliance o n d igital t echnologies, w hich makes s afeguarding d ata a nd c ustomer information even more vital. Cybersecurity Citi’s C hief I nformation S ecurity O ffice (CISO) o rganization e nsures t hat a n a ppro - priate level of cybersecurity governance, capabilities a nd c ontrols a re i n p lace t o protect C iti’s a nd o ur c lients’ i nformation assets, w ith e nd-to-end a ccountability across t he fi rm. O ur a pproach r ests o n ensuring w e h ave t he r ight a rchitecture, technology, p olicies, p rocesses a nd t alent in place to prevent, detect, respond to and recover from cyber threats quickly. Our Cybersecurity Program is overseen by Citi’s B oard o f D irectors a nd i s r egularly reviewed by regulators, as well as by inter - nal a nd e xternal a uditors. T he p rogram is m anaged b y t he C hief E nterprise Operations & T echnology O fficer a nd the C hief I nformation S ecurity O fficer on a g lobal e nterprise b asis; t he C hief Executives of each business sector and region a re r esponsible f or i mplementation and c ompliance w ith p rogram r equire - ments. A nnually, w e p rovide o ur e mployees with t raining o n h ow t o p roperly h andle and m aintain t he s ecurity a nd p rivacy o f Citi’s a nd o ur c lients’ i nformation. During 2 021, C iti’s c ybersecurity t eam organized a s eries o f p reparedness exercises for employees, including cybersecurity sc enarios f or gl obal functions a nd l ines o f b usiness a cross both o ur I nstitutional C lients G roup a nd Personal B anking & W ealth M anagement divisions. D ue t o t he c ontinued i mpact of COVID-19, these events were again conducted r emotely. D uring t he y ear, we s aw c ontinued g rowth i n d emand from senior executives for cybersecurity exercises. T he C iti c ybersecurity t eam conducted a s eries o f l inked e xercises f or our v arious r egions, c ulminating w ith a n exercise f or o ur C EO a nd G lobal O perating team. C iti’s C ybersecurity F usion C enter participated in t hese gl obal c ybersecurity exercises a nd c onducted a dditional d rills dedicated t o i ts op erations. To s afeguard i nformation, w e i nvest i n and develop advanced security solutions that a llow u s t o b etter su pport o ur digital s trategy. F or i nstance, w e a re implementing a m ultifaceted a pproach t o move toward password-less capabilities, including b iometric o ptions su ch a s v oice recognition or fi ngerprints. T hese s olutions create a f rictionless a nd m ore s ecure experience f or b oth i nternal a nd e xternal users. In addition, Citi has invested in next-generation s ecurity c omponents that su pport d igital a nd m obile g rowth, by e nabling e nhanced s ecurity f eatures for o ur m obile a pplications. F urther investments in advanced technology have provided Citi with improved cyber incident monitoring, de tection a nd r esponse capabilities, st rengthening t he ba nk’s cybersecurity p osture. Citi conducts regular cybersecurity risk assessments and has internal controls to defend a gainst c ybersecurity b reaches. We maintain technology and cybersecurity policies based on established industry standards and employ robust technol - ogies to protect our data and systems, supported by a strong team with deep expertise from industry and government. Our CISO team safeguards information from data breaches and misuse by maintaining secure networks to protect Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 113
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