Assurance Materiality The materiality required of the verification was considered by SGS to be below 10%, based on the needs of the intended user of the GHG and environmental data Statement Conclusion Citigroup, Inc. provided the GHG and environmental Statement based on the requirements of the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol and its amendments , the Citigroup, Inc. methodology and the principles of completeness, transparency, accuracy, consistency and relevance. The following GHG emissions and environmental data for the period 1 st January 2021 – 31 st December 2021 are verified by SGS to a limited leve l of assurance, consistent with the agreed verification scope, objectives and criteria. 44,683 tCO 2 e of GHG emissions Scope 1 463,311 tCO 2 e of GHG emissions Scope 2 (location based) 60,979 tCO 2 e of GHG emissions Scope 2 (market based) 507,994 tCO 2 e of total GHG emissions Scopes 1 and 2, based on Scope 2 location - based emissions 10,586 tCO 2 e of GHG emissions Scope 3 1,110.83 GWh of electricity consumption 26.35 GWh of district heating and cooling 178.00 GWh of natural gas 0.74 GWh of LPG 0.02 GWh of fue l oil 31.59 GWh of diesel 5,824 metric tonnes of waste diverted from landfill 25,595 metric tonnes of total waste 3,366,620 cubic meters of potable water consumed 253,010 cubic meters of non -potable water consumed 10,554 tCO 2 e from business travel by air 32 tCO 2 e from business travel by rail SGS’ approach is risk -based, drawing on an understanding of the risks associated with modeling GHG emission information and the controls in place to mitigate these risks. Our examination included assessment, on a sample basis, of evidence relevant to the voluntary reporting of emission and environmental data . SGS concludes with limited assurance that there is no evidence to suggest that the reported CO 2 equivalent and environmental data assertion is not materiall y correct and is not a fair representation of GHG and environmental data and information based on the calculation methodologies utilised . Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices ESGS ataC ius niblnG 179
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