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CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Engaging Our Employees in BSBF Meanwhile, with many schools still adjusting to operational difficulties caused by COVID-19, we took the opportunity to evaluate BSBF to determine how it contributes to health priorities as defined by the United Our employees ensure programs are tailored to local markets and provide the resources, staff Nations Sustainable Development Goals. BSBF has been making contributions to help countries reach those and partnerships needed to make a lasting impact. For example, we partner with Brazil’s Ministry designated goals. During the ongoing pandemic, we explored ways to reach even more children who are of Health to train “Community Health Agents” to teach oral care and handwashing education in the underserved, using technology to deliver our message. We focused on and supported teachers who could community. Over 35,000 agents have been trained since the program’s inception in 2014, reaching best address the social elements of health and created content for them to incorporate into their lessons. over 14 million people in 27 cities. In some of the countries where BSBF works, there are no dentists, and often not even enough doctors. The Our Results one reliable source for health care, including health promotion and disease prevention, is nurses. In 2021, BSBF focused additional resources on these vital health care practitioners through advanced partnerships, Each year, we strive to reach over 60 million children in nearly 300,000 schools around the world. enabling them to actively engage and incorporate oral health into overall health education. We have been In 2021, the U.S.-based BSBF mobile community program was able to reach more than 50 million working with Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing—whose mission is to “develop nurse children and families with onsite and virtual van visits that focused on the importance of oral health, leaders anywhere to improve health care everywhere”—on educating nurses on oral health for children and balanced nutrition and hand washing. We are proud of this program that builds shared value for developing a curriculum to reach nurses globally. both us and society, enabling us to make a significant impact in the communities where we live and work while engaging with consumers to build our brand value and empowering children and families From teaching two billion children healthy oral care habits by 2025 to creating access to good oral hygiene across the globe to achieve healthy and bright futures. practices, Colgate initiatives move us toward that goal. At Colgate, we’re committed to leveraging clinical research, collaborating with partners and developing innovative products and technology to achieve a zero- cavity, healthier future for all. 2021 Highlights For the first time in its history, the World Health Assembly has approved a resolution that urges Looking Forward Member States to “address key risk factors of oral disease…a shift from the traditional curative approach toward a preventive approach that includes promotion of oral health….” Colgate will One of our future goals is to bring more oral health education to more girls in primary and secondary education continue to shift BSBF to align with the World Health Organization’s framework, which requires systems. We believe that better-educated young women grow up to be healthier mothers, with healthier children. longer and impactful engagements. Studies show that girls’ health and safety transforms communities. We would also like to expand our model so that it is not exclusively directed at children. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 37

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