CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Business Integrity As we work to achieve Colgate’s purpose to reimagine a healthier future for all people, We care about people: Colgate People, consumers, customers, stockholders, business partners and their pets and our planet, Colgate People working around the world share a commitment people in the communities where we live and work. We are committed to acting with compassion, integrity, to our three core corporate values: Caring, Global Teamwork and Continuous honesty and high ethics in all situations and to providing our employees with an innovative and inclusive Improvement. These values are reflected not only in the quality of our products and work environment. reputation, but also in our dedication to serving the communities where we live and work, as represented in our sustainability, social impact and DE&I strategies. With these To further this goal, all our employees worldwide are required to annually certify that they understand and values, we work to maintain a strong culture based on integrity, ethical behavior and comply with the Code of Conduct. In addition, our executives and key managers worldwide participate in a commitment to doing the right thing. Underlying these values and our strong culture training programs regarding the Code of Conduct, Colgate’s values, effective leadership and the applicable is the commitment of all Colgate People to maintain the highest ethical standards and laws and regulations that govern our business practices around the world. Our directors also annually demonstrate ethical leadership, including compliance with Colgate policies and our certify their compliance with the Code of Conduct. Code of Ethics. In 2021, Ethics and Compliance received 411 contacts through a variety of channels, including the EthicsLine, Ethics web tool and [email protected], which covered a wide variety of reporting activities including 60 consultations. Allegations reported to Ethics and Compliance are grouped into the following categories: Accounting-related, Conflict of Interest, Discrimination, Financial-related, Harassment, Regulatory/Legal, Retaliation, Work Environment, Miscellaneous Issues and non-Ethics and Compliance matters. After a Colgate People are committed thorough investigation has been completed, if the allegations are substantiated, appropriate remedial action to maintaining the highest is taken. ethical standards. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 20
Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report Page 20 Page 22