CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Occupational Health Reducing Noise, Dust and Chemical Exposures Having established Occupational Medical Standards designed to assess medical surveillance Colgate strives to reduce noise, dust and chemical exposures at our facilities. Our goal is to decrease the requirements for employees potentially exposed to chemical, physical and/or biological agents, number of people who must wear hearing protection or use chemical cartridge respirators to reduce their we have a formal 2025 target to reduce jobs with chemical exposure. The Occupational Medical exposure below the applicable acceptable limits. We have included this metric as an element of our 2025 Standards work in concert with the Colgate Industrial Hygiene Standards, and our sites are target to strive for zero harm. required to adhere to all applicable local legislative requirements. Critical Risk Top 10 Schneider Electrical Assessments Virtual Training In 2019, Colgate launched an enterprise-wide integrated EHS risk reduction strategy to minimize In 2021, we continued to look closely at the safety Our sites in Latin America and North America risks that have been linked to adverse events and outcomes. The program focuses on EHS issues of our electrical systems, including their capacity, modified classroom courses to be delivered as and management system elements that have been linked to serious outcomes historically. The resilience and obsolescence. As the electric virtual sessions on key topics for salaried and program challenges our sites globally to assess the state of the current programs, assess risk standard requires a third-party assessment every clerical employees. One such session that was and controls in place and ensure the process is sustainable. Wherever possible, sites are expected five years, we contracted with Schneider Electric, particularly well received was our health and to increase efforts to mitigate risk through engineering, substitution and/or elimination. Despite a trusted energy management and sustainability safety engineering training. Due to the success the pandemic, most sites are on track toward closing the required elements. consulting firm, to look at redundancy, resilience of this modular health and safety engineering and condition of our systems to help us identify training, our Europe and the Asia-Pacific Divisions Our global sites are working on a multi-year plan to ensure that robust systems and controls are upstream impacts, as well as traditional elements plan to emulate the program in 2022. Latin America in place to address and mitigate potential risks. Updates are reported quarterly to a corporate related to safe electrical work practices. Although also has quarterly events linked to significant tracking system and presented at budget and business reviews. COVID-19 has delayed some project completion and risks, where they start with input from executives obstructed many recommendations from being and then evaluate their gaps and improvement implemented, some sites are in the process of strategies. monitoring and modernization upgrades based on their reports. The remaining sites will be assessed in 2022. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 31
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