CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Environment, Health and Safety Colgate’s value of Caring is aligned with our EHS Guiding Principles to ensure that we handwashing, respiratory hygiene and cleaning We continue to maintain a robust EHS Management protect the health and safety of all our employees and any individuals who access our and disinfection. We have modified and will System and EHS Global Standards. The EHS sites, minimize our impact on the environment, strive to consider sustainable product continue to modify preventive measures in Management System contains key provisions for solutions and minimize global impacts in all operations. Colgate People around the certain circumstances based on direction from our requirements including self-assessments world are committed to maintaining healthy and safe working conditions in our facilities health ministries, external experts and prevailing and inspection, management of change, training, and to keeping our business operations environmentally sound. COVID-19 case statistics and rates. documentation and EHS leadership expectations. We annually evaluate our EHS Management Our Executive Crisis Management Team (ECMT), System with a third-party vendor to ensure it is which provides global direction and guidance to our the equivalent of benchmark consensus standards, In 2020, we modified our Health Incident Management Plan (HIMP) to address COVID-19 and establish division and site leaders, and our People Relations such as ISO 45001:2018 or ISO 14001:2015. Sites measures to protect our workforce, visitors, contractors and temporary employees. These measures sub-team have worked together to ensure the are required to develop appropriate programs to may include temperature/symptom screening at entrances, social distancing and masks, protection of our people, operations and business comply with Company standards and applicable throughout the pandemic. The People Relations regulatory requirements. We maintain an EHS Audit team addresses issues including employee Program that is executed by our employees and communication, training, technical management a third-party provider. During 2021, we continued of COVID-19 employee cases, coordination of with the virtual audit process we began in 2020. functional responsibilities related to COVID-19 and Our operations are evaluated annually to ensure space and site management. These teams are occupational health exposures are well-controlled. still actively managing pandemic-related issues, Any identified exposures are managed using maintaining focus on risk reduction, leadership at the hierarchy of controls. Closure of previously all levels and culture and engagement. In 2021, identified exposures is verified by a global third- we created a team focused on assessing global party industrial hygiene provider and tracked in a vaccine access. The team worked with external global data system. providers and health ministries to support vaccine access for our employees. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 28
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