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REVELING IN THE MOMENT We capture the readers attention and then hold it. By writing like we would talk to a friendly acquaintance, we make our communications human, engaging, and memorable. Were fresh NAIL THE FIRST IMPRESSION Our headlines should grab the readers attention and share a key benefit. Write more evocative headlines Keep functional language in the subhead or body copy This might sound like We play across the map. This wont sound like A wide range of popular networks across the U.S. This might sound like We place ads only during video content that resonates with you and your customers. This wont sound like Our proprietary 14-point quality checklist ensures that videos are brand-safe and high-caliber. This might sound like Ready for game day? Set your brand up for the perfect play. This wont sound like Turn your marketing game plan into a TOUCHDOWN! with sports fanatics. Were modern READ IT OUT LOUD We relate to readers by talking like a person and using words that everyone knows. Write it like you would say it Use clear, descriptive language and avoid jargon Were fun LET YOUR HAIR DOWN Not only do we talk like a person, we talk like a person whos cool because we are! Use a relevant turn of phrase to sound more approachable Crack a light joke if the timing feels right 10 Our Brand | V 1.0 Comcast Spotlight

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