Social content drives inspiration, and when inspiration strikes, it happens on mobile. Today, BREAKDOWN BY SHOPPING FREQUENCY all of the major social platforms are overwhelmingly Consumers that indicated an easy payment system dominated by mobile visitors. As anyone who has would make them more likely to buy through social: attempted to fill out a checkout form on their phone can attest to, inputting a shipping address, billing 85% address, and credit card number is an enormous Daily pain on a five-inch phone screen. While mobile 61% conversion rates are improving, they’re still less A few times per week than half their big-screen brethren. The implication? Going from inspiration to transaction is hard. It 53% yields large drop-off rates that reflect lost revenues. Once a week 43% So it’s no surprise that reducing friction in the Once a month purchase process is something that consumers want. Nearly half of our respondents said that payments 28% systems like Amazon Pay, in which the consumer’s Once every six months payment and shipping details automatically populate upon a click, would make them more likely to purchase. As these types of payment options become KEY TAKEAWAY: more widely adopted by brands and consumers, There’s too much friction on mobile. With easy payment solutions, there’s no reason for brands to lose out on sales expect to see more opportunities for consumers to from inspired mobile shoppers. buy what they see, where they see it. 17 | Curalate Consumer Survey: Social Content is the New Storefront November 2017