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Delivering Success: Engagement, Legacy and Vision Olympic Winter Games 2026 Introduction Today we are launching the reformed Throughout both stages, the procedure Candidature Process for the XXV Olympic will be tailored to the context and needs Winter Games 2026. of each City through an open dialogue, enabling continuous improvement of the Building on changes guided by Olympic Games projects. The fact that the IOC is Agenda 2020, this new process provides requiring fewer deliverables throughout interested Cities and National Olympic the candidature process will lead to Committees (NOCs) with greater support substantially reduced Candidature budgets. directly from the IOC. It offers more 昀氀exibility to develop Games proposals that are We hope that this new Candidature aligned with local, regional and national Process 昀椀nds your interest and meets development goals, and have less 昀椀nancial, your requirements. You are welcome operational and environmental impact. to raise any question you may have and in this way start a fruitful dialogue The Candidature Process 2026 comprises with the IOC. two stages. The 昀椀rst phase is a new, one-year non- committal Dialogue Stage that will provide interested Cities and NOCs with an opportunity to engage with the IOC to assess Thomas Bach the bene昀椀ts and requirements related to hosting the Olympic Winter Games 2026. President of the International The second phase is the Candidature Stage Olympic Committee to which the IOC will invite certain Cities. These Candidate Cities will then work closely with the IOC to increase the value proposition of their Games delivery plan. Introduction 2

Delivering Success Engagement Legacy Vision - Page 3 Delivering Success Engagement Legacy Vision Page 2 Page 4