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DELTA FLIGHT MUSEUM: BRAND STYLE GUIDE 2 LOGO USAGE CLEARANCE LOGO MISUSE Illustrated below are several examples of ways NOT to use the DFM logo. In an effort to maintain the brand integrity, do not alter the logo from what you see on page one of this brand style guide. Never change the logo color. Never alter the logo font. In order to give the DFM logo maximum legibility and ensure that it will not be obscured or diminished by other elements, please allow for an area of clearance around the entire logo. The distance of clearance should be equal to the height of the triangle as shown above. Never alter the proportions of the logo. SIZING 1.5 INCHES 1 INCH Never place the logo over a photo, textured background, or colored background where The DFM logo should not be used in any circumstance where the logo is shorter there will not be a suf昀椀cient than 1.5" wide or 1” wide (for the font only verison) as shown. Producing the amount of contrast to make logo at a size smaller than these will jeopardize the integrity of the DFM brand. the logo legible.

Delta Flight Museum Brand Book - Page 4 Delta Flight Museum Brand Book Page 3 Page 5