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CIO Insights Resilience versus recession Important Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (“Deutsche Bank AG”) is authorized to conduct banking business and to provide financial services as set forth in the German Banking Act (“Kreditwesengesetz”). Deutsche Bank AG is subject to comprehensive Note supervision by the European Central Bank (“ECB”), by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and by the Deutsche Bundesbank (“Bundesbank”), Germany’s central bank. Kingdom of Bahrain For Residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain: This document does not constitute an offer for sale of, or participation in, securities, derivatives or funds marketed in Bahrain within the meaning of Bahrain Monetary Agency Regulations. All applications for investment should be received and any allotments should be made, in each case from outside of Bahrain. This document has been prepared for private information purposes of intended investors only who will be institutions. No invitation shall be made to the public in the Kingdom of Bahrain and this document will not be issued, passed to, or made available to the public generally. The Central Bank (CBB) has not reviewed, nor has it approved, this document or the marketing of such securities, derivatives, or funds in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Accordingly, the securities, derivatives or funds may not be offered or sold in Bahrain or to residents thereof except as permitted by Bahrain law. The CBB is not responsible for performance of the securities, derivatives, or funds. State of Kuwait This document has been sent to you at your own request. This presentation is not for general circulation to the public in Kuwait. The Interests have not been licensed for offering in Kuwait by the Kuwait Capital Markets Authority or any other relevant Kuwaiti government agency. The offering of the Interests in Kuwait on the basis a private placement or public offering is, therefore, restricted in accordance with Decree Law No. 31 of 1990 and the implementing regulations thereto (as amended) and Law No. 7 of 2010 and the bylaws thereto (as amended). No private or public offering of the Interests is being made in Kuwait, and no agreement relating to the sale of the Interests will be concluded in Kuwait. No marketing or solicitation or inducement activities are being used to offer or market the Interests in Kuwait. United Arab Emirates Deutsche Bank AG in the Dubai International Financial Centre (registered no. 00045) is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. Deutsche Bank AG -DIFC Branch may only undertake the financial services activities that fall within the scope of its existing DFSA license. Principal place of business in the DIFC: Dubai International Financial Centre, The Gate Village, Building 5, PO Box 504902, Dubai, U.A.E. This information has been distributed by Deutsche Bank AG. Related financial products or services are only available to Professional Clients, as defined by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. State of Qatar Deutsche Bank AG in the Qatar Financial Centre (registered no. 00032) is regulated by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority. Deutsche Bank AG -QFC Branch may only undertake the financial services activities that fall within the scope of its existing QFCRA license. Principal place of business in the QFC: Qatar Financial Centre, Tower, West Bay, Level 5, PO Box 14928, Doha, Qatar. This information has been distributed by Deutsche Bank AG. Related financial products or services are only available to Business Customers, as defined by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority. Kingdom of Belgium This document has been distributed in Belgium by Deutsche Bank AG acting though its Brussels Branch. Deutsche Bank AG is a stock corporation (“Aktiengesellschaft”) incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and licensed to carry on banking business and to provide financial services subject to the supervision and control of the European Central Bank (“ECB”) and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (“Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht” or “BaFin”).Deutsche Bank AG, Brussels Branch has its registered address at Marnixlaan 13-15, B-1000 Brussels, registered at the RPM Brussels, under the number VAT BE 0418.371.094. Further details are available on request or can be found at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Deutsche Securities Saudi Arabia (DSSA) is authorized by the Capital Market Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (CMA) with a license number (No. 37-07073). Deutsche Securities Saudi Arabia may only undertake the financial services activities that fall within the scope of its existing CMA license. DSSA registered office is at Faisaliah Tower, 17th floor, King Fahad Road, Al Olaya District Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 301806. United Kingdom This document is a financial promotion and is communicated by Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Deutsche Bank Wealth Management is a trading name of DB UK Bank Limited. Registered in England & Wales No. 315841. Registered Office: 23 Great Winchester Street, London, EC2P 2AX. DB UK Bank Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Registration Number 140848. DB UK Bank is a member of the Deutsche Bank Group. Hong Kong Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft is incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany and its members’ liability is limited. This material is intended for: Professional Investors in Hong Kong. Furthermore, this material is provided to addressee only, further distribution of this material is strictly prohibited. This document and its contents are provided for information only. Nothing in this document is intended to be an offer of any investment or a solicitation or recommendation to buy or to sell an investment and should not be interpreted or construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation. 44

Deutsche Bank Economic and Investment Outlook - Page 46 Deutsche Bank Economic and Investment Outlook Page 45 Page 47