66 Getting to zero waste (continued) Over the past year, our Amsterdam Circular Center model has achieved 83 percent reuse and 17 percent recycling of cloud hardware. Based on the success of the pilot, we’re exp anding to five additional campuses in the US (Boydton , Chicago, Quincy), EMEA (Dublin), and APAC (Singapore) regions, and extending this model to most of our cloud computing assets. This program should achieve 90 percent reuse by 2025 with projected savings of approximately $100 million each year, once scaled. We also sei zed opportunities to become more resilient, build better ties with communities, and increase collaboration with upstream and downstream partners. We’re bridging the skills divide in our datacenter communities by supporting technical training programs at community colleges, vocational schools, and other education institutions. This work depends on decommissioned and excess datacenter equipment to facilitate the “hands-on” labs called Datacenter Academies in datacenter communities. Zero waste datacenters Microsoft has a goal to achieve 90 percent diversion of datacenter operational waste by 2030. To reach this goal, we’re working closely with our waste haulers to optimize waste diversion programs across our global datacenter portfolio. We’re also partnering with third-party industry experts to investigate options for hard-to-recycle materia ls, such as air filters used in our datacenters. Explori ng innovative partnerships and solutions to reduce waste and transition to a circular economy are key strategies for achieving our 2030 goal. In FY21, we achieve d Zero Waste certifications for our San Antonio, Texas and Q uincy, Washington datacenters and renewed certifica tions for our Boydton, Virginia and Dublin, Ireland l ocations. 75% Our goal is 75 percent construction and deconstruction waste diversion for all projects. 90% Our goal is 90 percent waste diversion for campus projects over 75,000 square feet. Zero waste campuses We’ve created a roadmap for key zero waste initiatives for each camp us and committed to Zero Waste certifications by 2030 for a ll Microsoft campuses. LinkedIn’s new campus in Omaha opened in 2021 with a focus on zero waste, which led to the team utilizing reclaimed wood wherever possible, including tabletops, lockers, and stairs. 52 percent of the wood on the project is reclaimed and the rem aining 48 percent is FSC certified. Construction waste diversion Microsoft has a goal of 75 percent construction waste diversion for all projects and 90 percent for campus projects over 75,000 square feet. To reach these goals, Microso ft and LinkedIn are refining RFIs for vendors, standar dizing waste tracking and reporting, and establishing a decommissioning partner to ensure that our used furniture and materials are reused. Our Puget Sound campus modernization project included deconstructing 12 existing buildings. We found mu ltiple reuse opportunities, including using concret e waste for temporary roads and fill for the new campus, a nd recycling ceiling and carpet tiles into new tiles. Our Puget Sound project is currently achieving over 90 percent diversion. Reducing waste in campuses Last year, we began the rollout of recyclable paper visitor badges to Microsoft sites globally, which will help avoid seven tons of plastic waste annually. Additionally, we’re establishing new programs to reduce food waste, other single- use plastics, and virgin finite materials. Across Asia, sites lik e Singapore are utilizing sustainable meal boxes to cut down on w aste generation. Similarly in Japan, a new reusable cup initiative launched in July 2020 has complet ely phased out disposable cups and is estimated to potentially save 960,000 paper cups annually. Our Istanbul site is using solar powered compost tanks to reduce waste by 1,000 kg each month. Our Puget Sound modernization project is currently achieving over 90 percent construction waste diversion.