Appendix D Our environmental data As part of Microsoft’s commitment to disclose information about our environmental footprint, the following sections are a compilation of environmental metrics across greenhouse gas emissions, energy, water, waste, and land. Section 1 presents greenhouse gas emissions in acco rdance with the GHG Protocol and select environmental metrics that reference the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. Deloitte & Touche LLP performed a review engagement on management’s assertion related to the specified information presented in Section 1 of Appendix D as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021 and includes their review report. Information relating to periods prior to the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021, was not subject to Deloitte & Touche LLP's review and, accordingly, Deloitte & Touche LLP does not express a conclusion or any form of assurance on such information. Section 2 presents additional environmental metrics that s how additional detail and breakdowns and was not subject to Deloitte & Touche LLP’s review. All reported values represent best available data at the time o f publication. Data is adjusted to incorporate updated methodology, structural changes, and/or accuracy improvements. Additional detail on these changes is included as footnotes where applicable. Environmental data contents Section 1: Our environmental data 1.1 Greenhouse gas emissions Table 1 GHG emissions by Scope 98 Table 2 GHG emissions by type 99 Table 3 GHG emissions by region 99 Table 4 GHG emissions intensity 100 Tab le 5 Carbon offsets 100 1.2 Energy Table 6 Energy consumption within the organization 101 Tab le 7 Energy intensity 101 1.3 Water Table 8 Water and effluents 102 1.4 Waste Table 9 Waste generated, diverted, and directed to disposal 103 1.5 Ecosystems Table 10 Land protection 103 1.6 Management's assertion 104 1.7 D escription of the company and inventory boundary 104 1.8 I nformation on metrics 104 1.9 M ethodology and emission factors 105 1.1 0 Reporting criteria 110 1.1 1 Independent accountant's review report 112 Section 2: Additional environmental metrics Table 11 GHG — Scope 1 regional detail 113 Table 12 Other emissions 114 Tab le 13 Other emissions normalized by revenue 114 Tab le 14 Electricity consumption 114 Tab le 15 Renewable energy consumption 115 Tab le 16 Other energy consumption 115 Table 17 Water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge detail 116 Table 18 Verification/Assurance 116 — 97

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