Appendix D (continued) 1.3 Water Table 8 Water and effluents (megaliters) 14 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Total Water Withdrawals 15 5,148 6,719 7, 5 0 5 7,618 7,657 Third-party water 5,040 6,586 7, 36 7 7, 513 7,6 0 0 Surface Water 91 104 104 89 41 Ground Water 17 29 34 16 16 Total Water Discharges 15 , 16 3,236 3,393 3,559 3,651 3,179 Third-party water 3,236 3,393 3,559 3,651 3,179 Total Water Consumption 15 1,913 3,326 3,946 3,967 4,478 14 In FY18 the water data collection methodology was adjusted to include more accurate data center withdrawal estimates. FY17 wit hdrawal estimates were not retroactively adjusted. 50% of the change from FY17 to FY18 is from the methodology adjustment, and the other 50% is from organizational growth. For FY21 total water withdrawal from areas with water stress was 1,698 ML (22%) and was primarily sourced from third-party water; total water discharge to areas with water stress was 915 ML (29%); and total water consumption from areas with water stress was 783 ML (17%). Water risk assessment conducted using WRI’s Aqueduct tool and reported values consider high or extremely high baseline water stress. 15 Brac kish surface water/seawater and produced water categories are not relevant to Microsoft since there is no withdrawal or disch arge of water from and to these sources. For withdrawals, data breakdown between ‘freshwater’ and ‘other water’ categories, and withdrawal sources is currently unavailable and will be part of data improvements going forward. For consumption, gathering data around water storage will also be part of our future data improvements. 16 Only di scharges to third-parties are relevant since water that is not consumed at Microsoft sites is discharged to local municipal treatment plants. Discharges to surface water, groundwater, seawater and volume sent for use to other organizations are not applicable. For discharges, data breakdown between ‘freshwater’ and ‘other water’ categories is currently unavailable and will be part of data improvements going forward. Primary treatment of water is not relevant because there are no onsite water treatment plants in Microsoft operations, as there is no requirement to conduct onsite primary treatment of discharge by any environmental regulation or standard. 102
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