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Resources Capacity-building tools and resources Developed in partnership with ENGIE Impact, WSP, and CDP to help companies, and our suppliers, report their GHG emissions, develop clean energy strategies, and reduce their energy-related emissions. Find out more here Carbon removal program website Microsoft’s carbon removal program webpage that houses content about the program’s ambitions and provides resources about our request for proposals. Find out more here Criteria for high quality carbon removal Microsoft’s minimal viable project type criteria for procurement considerations. Find out more here Carbon dioxide removal guidance Microsoft’s request for proposals (RFP) guidance on project requirements, rules of engagement, and expectations. Find out more here A buyer’s guide to soil carbon offsets A Microsoft-funded independent analysis of the soil projects on the voluntary carbon market and assessment based on four key criteria. Find out more here Microsoft is committed to sharing our progress, challenges, learnings, and best practices throughout our sustainability journey. Reducing embodied carbon in construction A white paper with an inside look into how Microsoft is reducing emissions during the construction of new buildings and datacenters. Find out more here Principles of Sustainable Software Engineering A Microsoft Learn course on the competencies needed to define, build, and run sustainable software applications. Find out more here We are committed to becoming a carbon negative company by 2030 and helping others on their journeys. 43

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