Social data Social impact and DIB partnerships 7% 7% 7% 10% 8% 11% 0% 5% 10% 15% Global Women Men 2021 2020 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER 2021 U.S. employee race/ethnicity 47.1% 24.7% 6.3% 4.1% 13.2% 4.6% Hispanic/Latinx Black / African American Asian Declined to ID White Other 2021 Employees by gender Women Note: Includes fixed-term employees and employees from acquisitions Men Declined to ID 74.2% 25.3% 0.5% 500 1,500 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,500 Full-time Employees (FTEs) Americas Asia-Pacific EMEA 2021 2020 EMPLOYEES BY REGION 4,599 2,009 3,405 5,056 2,277 3,611 Looking forward Our Future First social strategy seeks to: Serve and connect people Leverage the intersection between talent attraction and development; diversity, inclusion and belonging; employee wellbeing and community impact to foster a culture where all employees thrive . Further connect our own expertise and assets Explore new ways of advancing digital inclusion in the world . Increase workforce diversity Continue to develop pathways and partnerships, creating opportunities for historically underrepresented groups inside and outside of Equinix . Provide global opportunities for optimum health and lifelong wellbeing Invest in strategies and programs that support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our diverse organization . 7

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