Health Equity for Communities In 2021, AWS committed $40 million over three years to help organizations develop solutions to improve health outcomes for underserved or underrepresented communities. The program is open to organizations around the world that want to harness AWS technology and expertise to advance health equity in any of the following areas: • Increasing access to health services for underserved communities • Reducing disparities by addressing social determinants of health • Leveraging data to promote more equitable and inclusive systems of care This program gives organizations another way to access AWS credits and technical expertise to advance their missions. In collaboration with local nonprofits, AWS also launched community development initiatives in villages adjoining AWS infrastructure sites in West Java, Indonesia, and Telangana, India. Initiatives include renovation of schools, provision of clean water facilities, toilets, waste management systems, hyperlocal environmental initiatives, and skill development programs for local youth. Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market was founded with the purpose to nourish people and the planet. To make an impact in our communities, Whole Foods Market has three foundations to support strategic programs that make an impact across the globe: • Whole Planet Foundation is committed to alleviating global poverty for people living in communities in the U.S. and around the world that supply products for Whole Foods Market stores. • Whole Cities Foundation expands healthy food access and nutrition education by partnering with community-led organizations to build thriving local food systems. • Whole Kids Foundation supports schools and inspires families to improve children’s nutrition and wellness. Each quarter, Whole Foods Market supports nearly 500 community-based nonprofits with aligned missions and values through the Team Member Directed Giving program. This program is led by local team member networks and focuses on addressing specific needs within each community we serve. From October to December 2021 alone, Whole Foods Market donated more than $1.1 million to 489 nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada. Sourced for Good In 2021, Whole Foods Market launched Sourced for Good , an exclusive program dedicated to helping customers easily identify products that support workers, communities, and environmental stewardship where our products are sourced. With our Sourced for Good seal, we are committed to demystifying the decision-making process by helping our customers easily identify these products. Customers can find the Sourced for Good seal on more than 100 products in stores, including on bananas, asparagus, peppers, tomatoes, and tulips. We’ve also expanded the program to seafood as well as to domestic suppliers, as we strive to serve more communities. Purchasing Sourced for Good products directly contributes to causes that Whole Foods Market and our customers champion, including fair wages, ethical trade, improved health care access, Celebrating 10 Years of Growing Healthy Kids Ten years ago, a cash register campaign—as well as the enthusiasm of contributing team members and customers— planted a seed of an idea, which eventually grew into Whole Kids Foundation. The idea: Given the right opportunities, kids will get excited about fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other nutritious whole foods. Since its founding in 2011, Whole Kids Foundation’s community investments in the U.S., Canada, and the UK have increased access to nutritious school food and transformed the way students eat and think about food. The Foundation facilitates environments and partnerships to create lasting change. 10M Students 12K+ Schools 700 Beehives 6K+ Salad bars 7K+ Gardens 22K+ Trained teachers Learn more about the Whole Kids Foundation . 10 years of impact through Whole Kids Foundation: scholarships, planting trees, and more—with millions of dollars raised annually for hundreds of communities across 12 countries. Supporting Local Producers We support local food producers through Whole Foods Market. In addition to featuring local products in our stores, we are providing loans to small, local, independent farmers and artisanal food producers to help them expand their businesses through the Whole Foods Local Producer Loan Program . Loan recipients have included organic vegetable farmers, a heritage turkey grower, a nutritional protein bar maker, and many others. The Local Producer Loan Program has provided more than 370 loans since 2007, representing $26 million in capital, to our suppliers. In 2021 alone, more than $536,000 was awarded through six loans. 2021 Sustainability Report Introduction I Environment I Society I Governance I Appendix 70

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