Awards and recognition UN Climate Action Award (2019) Global Climat e Actio n Women’s Enterprise USA Magazine — Best of the Decade in Supplier Diversity (2019) Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Award for Inclusion, Diversity and Social Justice (2020) OMNIKAL Top 50 Corporation for Inclusion in Procurement (received for past five years) Thomson Reuters Stop Slavery Award (2018) Apple was ranked #6 on the Top HBCU Supporters List; ratings are a result of voting by HBCU Engineering Deans (2021) JUST Capital #1 for Environment in Technology Hardware (2021) Apple awarded the first Corporate Information Transparency Index Master’s Level designation by China’s Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) Alliance for Water Stewardship: World’s First AWS Certified Data Center (2020) RE100 Leadership Award for Best Green Catalyst (2020) “A-” rating on CDP Climate Change Safer Choice Partner of the Year award from the EPA (2021) for the second consecutive year A+ Mind the Store (2021), recognized for the fourth year in a row 2 022 Ethisphere World’s Most Ethical Companies (2022) National Minority Supplier Development Council Corporation of the Year (2021) World Benchmarking Alliance, Digital Inclusion Benchmark Ranked #4 (2021) Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index (2022), 20th year in a row that we received a perfect score Appendix Governance Communities Suppliers Customers Our People Environment Introduction Apple’s 2022 ESG Report 74