Our approach At Apple, we’re committed to leaving the world better than we found it. That means supporting communities with global and local initiatives, investments, and donations that combat inequity, expand access to opportunity, and help respond to urgent needs. Many of these initiatives also contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (see Appendix page 75 ). Some of our largest community initiatives address racial equity and justice, education, affordable housing, and other critical issues where we can use our presence, expertise, and resources to make a difference. Through these efforts, we foster open communication with local community partners and stakeholders to understand dynamic challenges in order to drive meaningful impact. Apple supports these initiatives through program development, donations to nonprofit partners, and values-based investments, which go beyond financial returns to promote positive social and environmental impact. People at Apple don’t just serve our communities — we’re a part of them. That’s why everywhere Apple is, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to be a force for equity and opportunity, to protect the planet we share, and to help our users get the most out of their technology. Whether we’re working with educators, nonprofit leaders, or the global developer community, we believe in using our technology, our resources, and our voice to help people make a difference in their communities. We can achieve so much more when we work together — with our neighbors — to build a better future for all. $3B+ Since FY18, we’ve committed over $3 billion in strategic, values-based investments and community donations. Total corporate donations (excluding values-based investments) FY21: $250M+ FY20: $250M+ FY19: $190M+ In total, we’ve committed over $3 billion toward corporate donations and values- based investments since fiscal year 2018. Our corporate donations alone were over $250 million in fiscal year 2021. Fulfilling our commitments to our communities requires teamwork across the entire company. Lisa Jackson, our Vice President for Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives is responsible for Apple’s environmental initiatives, community education programs, product accessibility, and community investment, and she leads Apple’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. Community initiatives are managed through cross-functional collaboration with teams across Apple, including Treasury, People, Real Estate and Development, Legal, and Education. We also know that we can impact communities around the world by creating and sustaining local jobs. As our teams continue to grow, we’re proud to foster innovation, opportunity, and economic support across the globe. Through our values-based investments, we see an important opportunity to continue to invest our capital for good — often through multiyear commitments in which Apple plays a substantive role in the project development. Our affordable housing initiative, Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, clean energy investments, and the Restore Fund (see page 17 ) are all examples of initiatives in which values-based investments play a significant role. Our corporate donations support work undertaken across the company to address society’s toughest problems. We donate to nonprofits and other organizations with which we partner to support specific initiatives, as well as directly to organizations supporting our objectives to accelerate social change, strengthen communities, and amplify Apple’s values. We empower employees to contribute to the causes they care about, and we multiply their efforts through matching their donations. Appendix Governance Communities Suppliers Customers Our People Environment Introduction Apple’s 2022 ESG Report 59

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