ADVANCINGTHECG CLIENTOFFERING CGWealth Management: ESG Investment Offering CanaccordGenuityWealthManagement’sESGPortfolioManagementservice, allowsclientstoaligninvestmentsmorecloselywiththeirvalues. HOWOURESGPORTFOLIOMANAGEMENT All of the CGWMESGportfoliosaredesignedtowork SERVICEWORKSFOROURCLIENTS: overatypicalinvestmentcycleof7-10years, All of our ESG (environmental, social and Investments in each portfolio benefit from the governance) portfolios allow clients to take a best of our thinking and long-term investment responsible approach to investing without sacrificing managementexperience. performance.Theyallowclientstoinvestinfunds that work towards makingtheworldabetter place, whilealsodoingourbestfortheirlong-termfinancial security. Portfolios are designed to meet arangeof objectives andattitudes towardinvestmentrisk: • Cautious Balanced ESG portfolio aims for CanaccordGenuityWealthManagement abalance between capital appreciation and is aproudsignatory totheUN-supported HOWWE SELECTFUNDSFOROURCLIENTS’ESGPORTFOLIOS reducedvolatility Principles for Responsible Investment • Balanced ESG portfolio aims to produce a (PRI), joining acommunityof over2,700 balance between capital appreciation and companiesaroundtheworldthathave Wewill Wewill beactive Wewill seek Wewill promote Wewill eachreport income incorporate ESG owners and appropriate acceptance and Wewill work onouractivities publicly demonstrated their commitment to issues into invest- incorporate ESG disclosure on ESG implementationof the togethertoenhance andprogresstowards • Growth ESG portfolio aims to provide capital responsible investment. ment analysis and issues into our issuesbytheentities Principles within the our effectiveness in implementing the appreciation decision-making ownership policies in which we invest investmentindustry implementing the Principles processes andpractices Principles SASB: IncorporationofESGintoInvestmentManagement&Advisory SDG: 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
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