CASESTUDY Youth INC Overthepastdecade,ourU.S.CapitalMarketsbusinessdeveloped In 2021, we committed US$750,000 to help fund the launch of the a strongpartnershipwithYouthINC,aleadingventurephilanthropy Rise Academy for Leaders of Color, bringing our total support to nonprofitinNewYork City,helpingtobuildthecapacityofitsmore overUS$5.0millionforthepast 10years. $5million than75nonprofitpartnerstocreatethestrongandsustainable organizations required to help young people thrive. In partnershipwiththeCenterforNonprofitLeadershipatAdelphi contributedbyCGoveradecadeofpartnership University’s Leading in Community program, Rise Academy withYouthINC ForeightyearsduringTradingWeekforKids,CGdonated integratesleadership development,non-profitmanagement, commissionsfromdesignatedequitytradestoYouthINC.Wehave communityleadership,executivecoachingandmentorshipwith also hostedMentoringDayforKids, whichbringshigh-school thegoalofcreatingarobustpipelineofBIPOCleadersintheyouth “Over a decade of supporting Youth INC, studentsfromYouthINCpartnerorganizationstogetherwithCG developmentfield. senior executives and other company participants to provide a we have witnessed the incredible work snapshotofourday-to-daybusinessactivitiesandanopportunity This contribution supports Youth INC in its mission to dismantle they do to provide youth development to learn about working in the financial services industry. the systemic barriers to advancement for leaders of color in the “ youthdevelopmentsegmentofthenonprofitsector. organizations with the resources needed to help young people develop the skills and confidence to achieve their full potential, Our contribution to fund the launch of the Rise Academy for Leaders of Color underscores our commitment to YouthINC, aleadingventurephilanthropy organization advancing diversity and inclusion in our withanetworkof75+ofthebestyouthdevelopment business and communities as Youth INC nonprofitsinNewYorkCityprovidetheirnonprofit partners with the coaching, capital, and connections expands its efforts to provide dedicated required to achieve sustainable growth and maximum support for BIPOC nonprofit leaders.” impact.Theirnonprofitpartnerscollectivelychampion over200,000youngpeopleeachyear. Jeff Barlow President, Canaccord Genuity LLC.
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