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2021 ESG Report Healthy People Mercy Care’s Central Valley Crisis enforcement can work in partnership with mental Intervention Team health and addiction professionals and other advocates Mercy Care, a Medicaid managed-care plan to successfully divert many of these individuals away administered by Aetna, manages crisis services for from the criminal justice system. The Central Valley the four million residents of Maricopa County, Arizona, CIT recently received gold-level certification from CIT including community collaboration with law enforcement. International for its “robust crisis response system, Part of that collaboration is the Central Valley Crisis comprehensive training program,” and collaboration with Intervention Team (CIT) program, which trains Phoenix behavioral health providers. and Tempe police officers to deescalate situations with people who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Understanding the difficulties communities of color face in accessing quality behavioral health care, The higher rate of undiagnosed and untreated mental we partnered with leading nonprofits in 2021 to illness among people of color — which is largely strengthen culturally competent delivery of mental due to socioeconomic, racial, and health disparities health services. You can read more about those — increases their chances of interacting with the partnerships in the Healthy Community section police. With the necessary knowledge and skills, law of this report. 24

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