Planet Positive Performance ( ) WATER WITHDRAWALS megaliters FY19 FY21 Total water withdrawal 4,306,370 3,845,353 18 Total GHG emissions from fluid dairy purchases is inclusive of fluid 9,20,21 dairy categorized in scope 3 category 1 and category 14, and include Direct operations 22,996 24,177 22 estimated LUC associated with these purchases. Percent water withdrawn from high-risk basins Not calculated 32% 19 Total GHG emissions from gree coffee purchases is inclusive of 20 Indirect: licensed stores 9,737 13,271 estimated LUC associated with these purchases included in scope 22 3 category 1. Percent water withdrawn from high-risk basins Not calculated 42% 20 23 Water withdrawal from stores includes both primary and Indirect: packaging and agricultural commodities purchased 4,273,638 3,807,905 estimated data. Where primary data is not available, water Percent reduction of total water withdrawal from FY19 baseline 11% withdrawal is estimated by applying an average water withdrawal factor derived from U.S. and Canada company-owned stores. 21 Starbucks withdraws water strictly from local water utilities or 24 similar relevant entities, and as such all of our water withdrawals ( ) OPERATIONAL WASTE thousand metric tons FY19 FY21 are categorized as sourced from third-party water. 22 Total weight of non-hazardous operational waste 1,184 1,183 High risk basins refers to water withdrawals from facilities located in regions of high or extremely-high baseline water stress as 25 Direct operations generated 854 901 defined by WRI Aqueduct tool, which was used to conduct this Percent organic 53% 55% assessment. 23 26 Water withdrawal from packaging and agricultural commodities Percent diverted 27% 34% is estimated using country-level or regional data from the World 27 Food Lifecycle Database (WFLDB). Reporting of this category aligns Indirect: generated in licensed stores 330 282 with our GHG inventory, scope 3, category 1. Percent organic 58% 56% 24 A methodology change was made in the FY19 and FY21 inventories 26 to update operational waste values and classifications to be Percent diverted 18% 24% 26 consistent with internal data tracking and estimation methodology Percent total non-hazardous operational waste, diverted 25% 32% improvements established in FY21. We are not reporting on waste discarded by customers out of stores and instead have expanded our reporting of packaging materials. 25 Reporting of this category aligns with the GHG inventory, scope 3, category 5. 26 We measure diversion as waste materials recycled, composted, donated, or sold to be processed int cattle feed. Diversion does not include materials sent to landfill, incineration (with or without energy recovery) or liquid waste sent down the drain (excludes water). 27 Licensed store non-hazardous waste is estimated based on company-owned store information. This does not include construction & demolition waste. Reporting of this category aligns with the GHG inventory, scope 3, category 14.

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