Supporting Documents & Data Tables 021 REPORT 2 T 2 02 OR 1 R 1,2,3 EP E PLANET POSITIVE PERFORMANCE 1 R PO 20 TR 2 T 02 R O 1 2 The following metrics represent detailed reporting of Starbucks P E R P E R environmental performance in FY19, the baseline year for our 2030 1 2 0 2 T R O environmental targets, and FY21. We made significant updates to our inventory methodologies this year and rebaselined FY19 results, which will differ from the FY19 data previously reported. We did not update our FY20 calculations because reduced business activity in FY20 from 4 COVID-19 make this year difficult to use for comparisons. In FY21, we were not expecting significant reductions in our environmental impacts and progress towards our 2030 targets as we are focused on identifying and testing innovative solutions that we can scale across our global operations and we are committed to enhancing measurement systems and coordination across Starbucks and our value chain. 1 The scope of this data is global unless otherwise noted. Direct operations refers to an operational control boundary, inclusive of company owned stores, corporate offices, and manufacturing and distribution facilities. This includes global wholly-owned and partially-owned subsidiaries over which Starbucks has management and operational control. Direct operations excludes licensed stores. 2 We have updated the methodologies used to develop our environmental inventories. These updates including improved data quality and availability, changes to emissions and water factors, and other methodological changes. These changes are reflected consistently in our FY19 and FY21 inventories. 3 Where possible, reported data aligns with our fiscal year. In some cases, for example utility bills, the data aligns to the nearest month rather than the exact fiscal year end and start dates. 4 FY20 environmental performance metrics are available in Starbucks FY20 Global Environmental and Social Impact Report Supplement