People COMMUNITY Civic Engagement Resources Outreach Worker Program FY21 Results: In FY21, nearly 85,000 people – including customers and FY21 Results: Outreach workers partners – accessed voter registration and election information (via Fuel across six cities connected with Our Democracy) while more than 12,500 partners used civic education over 6,000 customers, helping to resources (via Starbucks Partners Vote). enroll more than 1,600 people in As part of Starbucks commitment to civic engagement, we continued to stabilizing programs. provide tools and resources for partners to ensure their voice is heard in each The Outreach Worker pilot program and every election. We provide partners with voter education and resources launched in FY20 in service to to make a plan to vote and support conversations between managers and support partners in high-complexity partners to ensure partners don’t have to choose between work and voting. stores by connecting them with In July 2021, Starbucks joined the Business for Voting Rights Coalition in hyperlocal street outreach and calling on Congress to update the Voting Rights Act, to help ensure protection social workers that have expertise in of the right to vote for all. connecting individuals to stabilizing programs and resources. The program initially launched in partnership with Community Champions United Way Worldwide and has since FY21 Results: More than 18,000 partners globally engaged as Community and partnered with local nonprofit Champions, participating in over 2,900 community events and donating organizations that specialize in street more than 45,000 volunteer hours to local nonprofit organizations.15 outreach and connect in individuals experiencing homelessness, mental Our vision is to empower every partner to be a Community Champion, and health and substance abuse to we provide the resources, tools and recognition for the many ways partners existing city-specific resources. can make a positive impact in the community. For some partners, being a During FY21, Starbucks scaled the Community Champion may mean donating unused food nightly as part of program to New York City, in addition their store’s FoodShare program. F or other partners it may include planning to continuing operations in its initial and participating in community service events, hosting donation drives in pilot cities (Philadelphia, Washington store, nominating community nonprofits for Neighborhood Grants, donating D.C., Seattle, Los Angeles and to nonprofit organizations or inspiring others to become Community Chicago). $ Champions. Starbucks matches up to 1,000 annually for both full-time and part-time partners’ eligible contributions to nonprofits, including a dollar- for-dollar match on financial donations and, with recent improvements in the program, a match for every hour of volunteer time donated to an eligible nonprofit organization . In support and recognition of U.S. and Canada Starbucks Partners’ Community Champion efforts, Starbucks donated over $ 1 million to more than 2,000 nonprofit organizations. 15 The geographic scope of this data point includes company-owned and operated markets in the U.S. and Canada, and licensed operations in the Bahamas, Indonesia, and Mexico.