People NAVIGATING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC Our partners are the backbone of our business and they have continued to Support for Front-Line show up for their communities in the face of extraordinary circumstances. Responders Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and through FY21, we provided benefits to support our partners that included service pay, catastrophe pay, FY21 Results: Starbucks provided benefits continuation, expanded mental health support, expanded backup 1 million cups of coffee to first childcare support and food and beverage allowances. Additionally, we have and frontline responders through continued to strongly encourage all partners to get fully vaccinated and a partnership with Operation boosted against COVID-19, providing up to two hours of paid time off for Gratitude. partners to receive the vaccine, up to three doses, as well as up to 4 hours of Starbucks has served more than paid time off if partners experience vaccine-related side effects and miss a one million cups of free coffee scheduled shift within 48 hours of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine or booster. to first responders and front- We also created online tools for partners - along with their friends and family line responders supporting the - to create a vaccine plan and easily access state-specific information about healthcare industry. We continue to vaccine availability. And because our partners are known for giving back, we applaud and support our front-line continue to share volunteer opportunities for partners who want to support responder communities through safe and equitable vaccine access in their communities. donations to local organizations. A key part of our COVID-19 action plan is to stay informed and communicative about recommendations from national, state and local health authorities. Since the onset of COVID-19, Starbucks aligned with national, state and local health recommendations to ensure our business decisions are anchored to and guided by facts and science. In addition, Starbucks believes In January, Starbucks and other companies joined Washington State that businesses have a role and a responsibility to support our communities Governor Inslee and Challenge Seattle in a first-of-its-kind public- with safe and equitable vaccine access. In FY21, Starbucks shared educational private partnership (the COVID-19 Vaccine Action Command and information and resources about the COVID-19 vaccine and supported our Coordination System (VACCS) Center), to help optimize accelerated, safe communities in equitable vaccine access and distribution. and equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccines across Washington State. • Starbucks hosted scientists from • I n coffee and tea growing Utilizing the company’s Tryer Center Innovation Lab, Starbucks the Fred Hutchinson Cancer communities, The Starbucks contributed expertise in operational efficiency, scalable modeling and Research Center for virtual Foundation continued to human-centered design to Washington State’s vaccine distribution conversations with thousands of support urgent needs related to efforts. The Starbucks team used this work to inform three different partners to discuss the current COVID-19 of vulnerable families models: vaccination clinics, drive-through clinics and mobile pop- state of COVID-19 and facilitate in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, ups to go to people in more rural or underserved areas. Starbucks, answers to partner questions Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, in partnership with Challenge Seattle and VACCS, also released a on vaccine effectiveness, virus Indonesia and Kenya. Working Playbook of best practices from this partnership, so that other states variants and antibodies and with nonprofit organizations and government leaders may leverage the findings and efficiencies for addressing fears about vaccines. such as Mercy Corps and Bean other mass vaccination sites across the country. • Starbucks and other companies Voyage, these efforts addressed joined a first-of-its-kind food insecurity, expanded access This partnership helped Washington State successfully accelerate public-private partnership, the to clean water and promoted vaccine distribution to meet Washington State’s 45,000 vaccinations Washington State Vaccine Action resilience building. per day goal. Command and Coordination • St arbucks and The Starbucks Systems (VACCS) Center, to help Foundation together contributed optimize accelerated, safe and $ nearly 500,000 to innovative equitable access to the COVID-19 programs designed to increase vaccine across Washington. equitable vaccine access.

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