N O TI C U >1,000 29 11 D O associates worldwide in roles languages spoken languages available on NTR I Ethics & dedicated to ethics, compliance on the 24/7 Walmart the globally-accessible and corporate governance ethics helpline ethics website Y T I management N compliance TU R O P At every level of our company, we work to P O create a culture that inspires trust among New Code of our associates, with our customers and in Conduct in 2021 >77,400 Y T the communities we serve. We do this by I IL establishing ethics and compliance programs, B focused on acting with associates completed A setting standards and controls, training IN integrity to build trust in each anti-corruption training A associates and responding to issues. Our ST other and with our customers, U S standards include our Code of Conduct, members and stakeholders which lays out our values, principles and the Y behaviors we expect of associates and our IT N Standards for Suppliers, which describes our U M supplier expectations. OM C Read more: Ethics & compliance { Y T I R G E NT I & S C I TH E 42
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