N O TI C U D About our reporting O NTR I Walmart has reported on a wide range of ESG issues since 2005. Our reporting is focused Y on our priority ESG issues—issues that we believe are the most relevant to our business and T I N important to our stakeholders. TU R O P P O This Annual Summary provides an overview of our shared value the Walmart Inc. consolidated financial statements, unless approach to ESG, ESG priorities and key highlights. The Annual otherwise noted. Y Summary covers our activities during the fiscal year ending T I This report also covers some activities of the Walmart IL January 31, 2022 (FY2022), except as otherwise noted. Calendar B Foundation, a separately incorporated Delaware charitable A years (CY) are marked as such or written in a four-digit format. IN private foundation. “Walmart.org” is used to refer to the A Beginning in 2021, our reporting has been centered around a ST collective philanthropy of Walmart Inc. and the Walmart U series of ESG issue briefs covering each of Walmart’s priority S Foundation. ESG issues in depth. Each of the 17 briefs covers our aspiration Y and strategy with respect to that issue, the relevance of the As discussed in Walmart’s fiscal year 2022 annual report on IT Form 10-K, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted Walmart’s N issue to business and society, our key goals and metrics and our U M progress to date. These briefs will be updated from time to time business in many ways throughout FY2022, including through OM and may not align with fiscal year reporting periods. As we cover net-sales growth and strong comparable sales in a majority of in certain instances third parties assisted in the process of C each issue in this summary, we will provide links to the relevant our international markets, pandemic-related costs, changes in collecting, analyzing and calculating information presented in Y issue brief or briefs. customer shopping patterns and employment trends. As the this Annual Summary. T I pandemic and related trends evolve in FY2023 and beyond, R All references to “Walmart” in our ESG reporting are to Our reporting is guided by frameworks, such as the Global G impacts on Walmart’s business may also evolve. E Walmart Inc., a Delaware corporation and its consolidated Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, Sustainability Accounting NT I subsidiaries that were subsidiaries during the reporting period, We sought and received external assurance from a third party Standards Board (SASB), the Task Force on Climate-related & S C excluding all acquired eCommerce businesses, platforms and/ with respect to certain emissions information reported in this Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the United Nations (U.N.) I TH or marketplaces, unless otherwise noted. Financial information Annual Summary. We did not seek or receive external assurance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also report through E referenced in our ESG reporting reflects the scope of from third parties with respect to other information, although programs such as CDP, a global environmental disclosure system. 4

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