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Walmart’s Shared Value Networks and the Center for Racial Equity pursue initiatives aimed at advancing racial equity in four societal systems. Examples include: N O TI C U System Business (Shared Value Networks) Philanthropy (Center for Racial Equity) D O NTR Criminal Second Chance Hiring: Partnering with The Last Mile to Unlock Potential: Supporting a hiring program led by the I Justice provide technical training for incarcerated individuals, Responsible Business Initiative for Justice and Persevere, Y followed by wraparound services and job placement at through which a network of community organizations and T I Walmart once released from incarceration. employers provide jobs and wraparound services for youth N TU with incarcerated parents, foster youth, youth involved R O in the justice system and young people impacted by P P O human trafficking. Y Education Chicago Community Academy: Hosting classes for 1890 Universities Foundation: Helping students build T I community members in the Chatham neighborhood careers in fields such as agriculture, healthcare and IL B A on topics such as entrepreneurship, resume writing, technology by supporting technical assistance and IN A interviewing and personal finance, while providing our innovation across 19 1890 land-grant universities, including Accessibility Center ST U associates an opportunity to grow and develop the skills the launch of the Center of Excellence for Nutrition, S they need to build careers at Walmart and beyond. Health, Wellness and Quality of Life. of Excellence Y IT Finance Financial Literacy: Partnering with Operation Hope to Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC): N U launch a national initiative aiming to embed financial literacy Supporting WBENC’s Women of Color Outreach and M In FY2022, Walmart announced the formation of the OM into American culture and reach millions of youth and Development Programs, which provide education, C working adults to enable greater financial success. resources and access to peer and mentor networks for Accessibility Center of Excellence (ACE). The ACE businesses owned by women of color to overcome barriers develops and implements strategies aimed at making Y Walmart the most inclusive retailer and employer for T to their growth. I R people with disabilities. The mission of the ACE is to G E define, design and deliver accessible experiences at scale NT Health Healthier food and habits: Working with community American Heart Association Bernard J. Tyson Fund: I by adopting a culture of awareness and action around & organizations to design, test and evaluate Walmart food Supporting the Fund’s work with community-based S C accessibility, building the necessary infrastructure, I and nutrition offerings to improve access to healthier organizations and entrepreneurs in Atlanta and Chicago TH creating leadership champions and onboarding teams to E food options for Black and African American communities working to increase access to affordable and healthy food experiencing food insecurity. in communities of color. drive accessibility at scale. 22 Read more: Equity & inclusion at Walmart & beyond {

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