N People in supply chains O TI C U D We aim to source responsibly while acting as a catalyst to improve the well-being of people O >$67 million NTR working in consumer product supply chains. We pursue these goals through our responsible I Walmart Foundation grants to support sourcing programs, creating economic opportunity for people in supply chains and by Y smallholder farmers T I collaborating to address systemic risks to workers. N (since 2017) TU R O P P RESPONSIBLE SOURCING South Africa, Walmart teams work to develop small producers O Our Responsible Sourcing program sets expectations for as suppliers and to help them reach Walmart’s customers. In the Y product suppliers in alignment with our Human Rights U.S., our annual Open Call event allows hundreds of small- and T I medium-sized business owners from across the country to pitch IL Statement, monitors supplier performance against those B products made, grown or assembled in the U.S. to our Walmart A expectations and works through our business to continuously IN U.S. and Sam’s Club U.S. merchants. A improve our product supply chains. In FY2022, we assessed ST U S approximately 14,000 third-party audits of facilities producing Additionally, the Walmart Foundation helps promote market products for Walmart and managed more than 700 cases access for small producers. Since 2017, the Foundation has Y involving allegations of supply chain misconduct. In 2021, we awarded grants of more than $67 million that are expected IT N revised and reissued our Standards for Suppliers and issued new to benefit more than 730,000 smallholders (44% of whom U M Responsible Sourcing and Forced Labor Prevention policies. are women) in Central America, India and Mexico. The grants OM provide access to training and capacity development along C CREATING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR PEOPLE IN with market linkages for smallholders in Farmer Producer Y Organizations (FPOs). As part of these efforts, the Walmart T I Foundation committed $25 million over five years to strengthen R SUPPLY CHAINS G E smallholders in FPOs in India. The Foundation has met this NT Growing, making and transporting products can significantly I commitment through grants totaling more than $29 million, & benefit local economies and provide economic opportunity for S providing support for over 590,000 smallholder farmers, 48% of C I people who work in product supply chains. whom are women. TH E For example, 92% of merchandise sold in Mexico is sourced in the country while 83% of merchandise sold in Central America is 34 sourced from the region. In these markets as well as in India and

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